Today I pulled cards from the Universal Tarot.
Chariot, 10 of Swords & 5 of Pentacles.
I am not all that happy with this draw. Two negative cards. Ugh.
Chariot says to get my conscious and subconscious mind going in the same direction. It can also mean victory and moving forward swiftly.
10 of Swords augers in an ending of suffering through over thinking. I have been mired in negativity and it is crushing me. No wonder I am exhausted. So this says to think more positively and focus on the good things in my life.
5 of Pentacles is about poverty thinking and needing to focus on the good stuff available to me and not the bad. Hum. I am seeing a pattern here. It says that if I continue to think in a negative way, I will continue on this negative path. This card shows a window where sanctuary is available and that requires us (me) to actually choose to focus on those good things in life, on the people who can assist me and lift me up. It means extracting myself from the negative situations in order to allow myself to focus on the good.
The shadow card is the 2 of Swords. It says that I have two paths and can’t really see where I need to go so I have to step out in faith and just make the best decision I can based on the facts and my own gut instincts/intuition.
Last night I pulled Knight of Pentacles, Knave (Page) of Pentacles and The Fool. The shadow card was the 6 of Wands, victory. That kind of says that I have all these resources but I am not using them well enough or utilizing them at all. The Fool says this needs to change. I have a new path, new chapter ahead of me in life. Sheesh. The tarot sure does like to put the hurt on sometimes, doesn’t it. Just like last week said…. I need to look at the things I don’t want to look at.
I think it’s all about adapting to each situation that is before me. Take, for example, this cute new faux-dori cover I just purchased and received in the mail yesterday. A regular insert or notebook that is casher size should fit in it but it doesn’t. That kind of annoyed me at first. So I had to make my own insert. I had printed out a letter sheet with a dot grid I got online an had to cut it down from 8.5 inches to 7.25 inches tall. And low and behold… I actually like that size better. Go figure.
I guess it is time to do a bit more adapting and going with the flow. I think it will help me out greatly i the coming weeks.
Lastly, I have been watching a lot of YouTube and I don’t know if you have noticed but you tend to watch exactly what is resonating with you at the time so it speaks to helping you move out of situations you currently find yourself in. All the videos I watched seemed to be on the same line as this reading. It says don’t focus on what is and how it is so screwed up and just triggering you or basically not to your liking. Focus instead on how you want it to be. Focus on people’s good points and not their faults. Because what you focus on you bring into your life. I need to do a lot more of that positive focusing. I need to change up my thinking to really get my life to soar. I hope you all do this with me.
I hope this reading helps you in some way as much as it has helped me. Blessings.