Thursday, December 22, 2016

December 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

December 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Five of Swords

Earth Magic Oracle: Love(Compassion)

Indigo Angels: Trust

Angel Answers Oracle: Get More Information

You may feel like there is a sense of doom this month but you need to remain filled with love and compassion and trust that all good things will come to light. You may be holding all the cards and have to give others a help up to understand things the way you do. Take time this month to do more research into the things that you are passionate about because it will only assist you in the end.

November 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

November 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: The Sun

Earth Magic Oracle: Dawn (New Beginnings)

Indigo Angels: Manifest

Angel Answers Oracle: Ask Your Angels & Be Assertive

This will be a real happy and fun month of new beginnings. It will be a time of manifestation and freedom. If you feel uneasy or overwhelmed by all this joy, ask your angels for assistance and be assertive. You may have to help others to see this new dawn. But be persistent. You will be successful.

October 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

October 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Eight of Pentacles

Earth Magic Oracle: Tree (Grounding)

Indigo Angels: Show appreciation

Angel Answers Oracle: Reconsider & Helpful People 

You will either be doing a lot of work this month or you will begin a new venture you find yourself particularly good at. Because of the busy-ness of the month, you will need to go out into nature and ground yourself. Nature assists us in breaking free from the matrix. Show appreciation to Mother Nature and Mother Earth for their assistance. Take time to reflect and reconsider some aspect of your life this month. Helpful people will appear as if in answer to your prayers or greatest need.

September 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

September 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Nine of Wands

Earth Magic Oracle: Dance (Celebration)

Indigo Angels: Believe in yourself

Angel Answers Oracle: No need to worry

This month you are standing your ground after a tussle or disagreement you have had. You are not struck down but you remain vigilant in your strength.

You will be celebrating a much deserved victory as you easily bypassed any red tape someone may have put into your path. Just remember to believe in yourself as God and the angels do.

There is no reason to worry this month even though you are going through some type of trouble or disagreement. It will turn out for your good.

August 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

August 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Ten of Wands

Earth Magic Oracle: Winter Solstice (Reflection) & Waterfall (Effortless)

Indigo Angels: Think About It

Angel Answers Oracle: Yes

We will be really busy with a lot of things, not all are effecting us negatively. It is just the pure bulk of stuff that is overwhelmed us. This is a great time to put some of these things to the side for a time and move into an energy of self-reflection. Know that if you do this you will be able to get through all this stuff you’re working on with ease. Take the time to reflect and think about whether you really need all this stuff in your life. Time for spring cleaning and releasing stuff. The angels give you an answer of yes this month. This could be an actual answer to a question or a celebration of joy for your success.

Friday, December 16, 2016

July 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

July 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Judgement

Earth Magic Oracle: Childhood (Innocence)

Indigo Angels: Health

Angel Answers Oracle: There is something better

Wake up time. Revelations revealed. You find your calling if you don’t know what it is at this time. You may feel like you are going backward but it will be two steps forward, one step back. Our inner child is healing and we are stepping forward timidly, testing the waters, so to speak.

Health is again featured this month. I feel this has to do with vision and how nanites may be interfering with what you are seeing. Someone doesn’t want you to see something this month but you get beyond that.  We continue to heal and know that there is something better for us in the world. Chains continue to break away from us bringing a breakthrough. You must believe this is possible for us for it is in our belief where things happen and manifest.

We are at a time of awakening. Music will be helpful too us now. The scales are balancing finally and we can see there is a better way available to us.

May and June 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecasts

May 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: Ace of Swords

Earth Magic Oracle: Dragonfly (Emergence)

Indigo Angels: Send Love

Angel Answers Oracle: Take action

A truth will come to light this month. Veils are opening and we are reaching beyond them. We are emerging from the weight of chaos and are more easily able to feel the love of the Universe, our creator, our planet and our guides and angels. This leads us to send out light and love to all we meet. This is how we will take action this month. Just being around people will assist them in breaking free from the matrix program. Things will come to light more publicly like government time travel and teleportation

June 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: The Devil

Earth Magic Oracle: Stone People (Vigilance)

Indigo Angels: You are strong

Angel Answers Oracle: Improving Health

This month you need to remain vigilant and strong for ourselves and others. You will be like a danger detector and able to point out to others how they can assist themselves or when trouble is coming.

Addiction could be on the forefront this month as the angels remind us to be strong in the face of something that tries to knock us off our path. We are strong. We can get past any chains that are holding us down if we only believe in our strength.

Health is also featured this month because we can’t forget to take care of ourselves when we are facing our big trials.

I feel something may come out in the truth media showing how we can safely get off all the pills so many Americans take on a daily basis. Seniors are chained by Big Pharma but we will find away around the daily need for pills. The health of many will improve as a result when they see others getting off their pills and believe that it is also possible for them. Kinda like a healthy domino effect.

April 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

April 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: The Hermit

Earth Magic Oracle: DNA - Veiled (Fog)

Indigo Angels: Compassion

Angel Answers Oracle: Choose a new direction

This is a month where we will feel like we need to be alone, study and gain wisdom so we can share our light with others. It is a time of getting ready. We are working on clearing our foggy thinking and all this work will help lift the veil and we will become more enlightened.

Be more compassionate this month even when others don’t seem so compassionate. Know that a new direction and change is opening up for us in some way. This month you are getting ready for that change.

As we stand on this new high place in our energy we need to realize that there is nothing to fear. This sort of reminds me of a card from the Psychic Tarot where you need to take a leap into the fear and take action to make the fear of moving forward not so scary. You will be hesitant to move because you are so blissed out and you don’t want to descend from your height but you are safe to do so now. You have jumped over some energetic obstacle in March that is assisting you now. 

I also feel like you will meet your angelic or spiritual team at this point. Or maybe you will finally see them and know they are real and have been with you all along.

March 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

March 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: The World

Earth Magic Oracle: DNA - Karma

Indigo Angels: Acceptance

Angel Answers Oracle: Perfect Timing

We are coming into the completion of something this month and starting a new chapter in life in some way. It will be different for everyone.

It will be a month where we may try to exercise more or eat better to help our body and we are working to reverse the karma of ourselves and others. We need to be accepting of those people and things that do not seem so acceptable. Things will happen in perfect timing so don’t worry. It will be a quieter month filled with a great healing energy.

The song from the Jeffersons came to me, especially the part where it says “yeah, we’re moving on up, to the top. To a deluxe apartment in the sky.” This makes me think that the energy I keep hearing is coming in February might just be an opening act for the energies of March where the big show will start.

You will have to decide if you want to accept this big energy into your life. You do have the option to say no if you want. (my computer tried to type: option to say uno).

I feel this sense of freedom and wee, sort of like a kid on a swing trying to swing as high as he can and giggling and laughing. It is a fun sort of energy that I haven't felt in a long time.

There is what looks like a blood full moon in the acceptance card. Those types of things are pivotal points in astrology and I think March will be such a time too. Pivotal and important to our 2017 year.

Accept the healing energy that is arriving in March because you will be forever changed for the better

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

February 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

February 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: The Hanged Man

Earth Magic Oracle: Ocean - Ebb & Flow

Indigo Angels: Explore

Angel Answers Oracle: Abundance

As February is ushered in we will need to ground our thinking. New ideas are coming in that will cause us to rethink how we do things now. This means we will need to take more time to meditate and be still so that we can handle the possible upcoming chaos that is building and has a possibility to be a bit of trouble. So, chaos comes and you need to be ready for it by planning your meditations this month. 

Go with the flow and be flexible because chaos has the ability to throw us off the apple cart of our stability. And know that if something happens to disturb us, it will be over by the end of the month.

Also, take more time to connect to God and know we are all a part of the One. So,when you are agitated, others around you will be more agitated. Strive for calm if you want calm. Strive for creativity if you want creativity to blossom in your life.

Take time to explore those things that you are really drawn to.  This will help to keep you grounded. You may have a realization that helps you see your situation in new ways. 

Abundance is always available to us if we only notice and focus on where we have that in our lives.

NOTE: I have heard from other channels that there is going to be a life-changing shift of consciousness sometime in February. And if you are interested in knowing more about how we are all one, check out the Law of One by searching on Bing or Goggle.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Energies of Full moon on 12-13

The truth is out there and you have been reaching for this truth through the mess of lies surrounding you. This truth will lead to a breakthrough for you causing a completion of a chapter in your life. But do not fear, you have so many opportunities awaiting you on the other side of this turmoil. 

Bonfire Tarot by Schffier Publishing. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

January 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

January 2017 Tarot Oracle Forecast

Gummy Bear Tarot: 10 of Pentacles

Earth Magic Oracle: Spring Equinox /Rebirth

Indigo Angels Oracle: Looking Through the Situation

Angel Answers Oracle: In The Near Future

As the year of 2017 starts you are reaching a destination you have been trying to find for a long time. As you reach your goal you feel more fulfilled  and are filled with courage as you spread the message you have discovered and pass it on to others. You are a mentor to others just as others were mentors to you. 

This is a fertile time of blossoming in your talents. You become more focused as you bring your mind to make your gifts your highest priority. 

You may feel like you have a large weight on your back but what you are really carrying is a blossoming influx of inspiration you are gathering up and readying to hand out to others. You inspire others to find those things in their own lives that is their purpose and you help them follow the path of their own gifts. 

Keep looking around and discovering these new and cool things that support and fulfill your own goals. You may be creating a group of mentors that are coming in to support your prayers and progress toward your goals or purpose. You will discover a huge rise in experience here. Amping up, so to speak. Take time to be grateful and thank God/universe/creator for your blessings. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Daily Draw - 12-9-16

You have been focusing on the creative gifts you have. And if you haven't, you need to. You may be thinking about getting together with like-minded people who also enjoy the same gifts. Do that if you can. Don't pass up the opportunity to mentor others. It can also indicate a creative gal who is well loved and inspiring coming in-maybe as a mentor to you.  Something has the capability to try and pull you into a negative frame of mind today. Warning Will Robinson! Don't let that happen. These things you love are a part of your divine purpose. You need to apply your gifts to the betterment of society. So don't let anyone push you off that divine path God has set forth for you. You are well loved by God, your angels and spiritual team as well as the Universe. Blessings. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Reading for 2nd half of December 2016

Take time to share some experiences from your past with younger people. I think it is related to something you are really gifted at... something creative. Personally, for me it speaks of watercolor, sketching, drawing, coloring, singing, cross stitching, fiction writing, etc. All these creative gifts come to mind.  You're inspiring the next generation in the latter part of the month by just you being you. what gifts are calling to you this month. Use them dust them off if you have pushed them to the side. You will need them this month. 

This is a time for you to be more flexible. The angel in this Oracle card looks like she's in some sort of structure dance. This makes me think you are creatively jumping through hoops and red tape of some sort but the restriction isn't getting you down. You are easily bypassing it by remaining open and being flexible at all times. You take every obstacle in stride and blaze past them with ease. 

You are receiving many new opportunities in the latter half of December probably due to your gifts and how you are inspiring others with them. Remember to take any opportunity to be a light to others. Believe in yourself and your gifts and great things will manifest for you. It is time to step out into the spotlight and show everyone what you are made of. 

Life is what you make it. Don't miss this opportunity to shine. You are very supported by God, your guides and angels and the universe

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1st reading from the fairies

I pulled a card from the Magical Messages from the fairies and received the spring card. It basically says that answers will be revealed when flowers bloom.

What I see is this cute kid (aka us) sitting in the center of a blossoming flower. A butterfly is shining energy onto us. To me butterflies represent transformation. We are being transformed by the new energies coming in. And this energy is helping us blossom. I feel like we will continue to receive these high energies into the spring months. So don't be surprised if things and circumstances try to force us out of our comfort zone. We can't change unless we really look at ourselves and examine how we really want like to be. 

Blessings to you all. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Fractured Focus and Magical Manifesting

Fractured Focus and Magical Manifesting

I have noticed in the last few days how hard it has been to focus and finding that when I want to focus on one thing, something else seems to come out of nowhere to take my attention. I have had to take extra steps to make sure that I am single-focused when I am doing anything. I find I tend to multi-task when doing anything, especially at work. 

Multi-tasking has been celebrated by people everywhere that they got more done than they did the day before because they did more than one thing at a time. Right now I am listening to the audiobook, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor as I am writing this. It is hard to focus when I am multi-tasking.

I have to make a side note here, I keep typing AI and I AM over and over and I find that quite telling. Maybe our focus is being fractured by AI aspects of the matrix that we call the real world. They don’t want us to focus on what we want. They want us to focus on what ‘they’ want. Because it is in the focusing where all the power lies. We are magical manifestors. Haven’t you noticed? Take time to take notice.

Let me give you an example.

I had not been cross stitching for months and I had no motivation to stitch either. But I knew I wanted to. But nothing seemed to be able to motivate me onward toward my goal of getting may projects done. Then I discovered the groups on Facebook all centered on Cross Stitch. Everyone was taking about their projects, their WIPS, and as the days went on, I wanted to focus on my WIPS too. (WIP=Works In Progress)

Then I realized that stitchers were making Youtube videos. On Youtube they call their group: Flosstube. I had previously watched video after video of BookTube videos and found myself reading over 150 books that year. I even read 29 books in one month too. 

The lightbulb came on in my head. Focus. It’s all about focus. When I focus on what I love, what I love expands. The same happened with Flosstube. When I focused on these videos, my want of cross stitching grew by leaps and bounds. And the more I watched, scoured the Facebook groups… the more I wanted to work on my own projects. My WIP pile grew from 3 projects to 15. I even completed 16 projects in 2015 which was a ton more than the one or two from previous years.

So, the power is in your focus. Don’t let the AI of the matrix, the “they” powers of this world keep you from focusing in what is important to you.

There was a video I watched not too long ago called the Miracle Morning routine. I think the man who created it was named Hal Elrod. He found that the way to make a great day was to do certain things first thing in the morning.

Here is his way of magical focusing:

S: Silence. Take time to pray or just be silent for a certain period when you first wake up.

A: Affirmations. Create affirmations that will bring your focus on what you want to manifest. Want peace? Make peace affirmations. Want love? Make love affirmations. But word them as if they are already in your life.

V. Visualization. Take those affirmations and make them into magical daydreams where everything in your world goes right. Have you noticed that we all seem to visualize on the fear in our lives? That only make TPTB more powerful. They feed on fear. Focus what you love and bring love into your life instead of the fear.

E. Exercise. Get the blood pumping and make all those chemicals in your brain flood your body with the feel good you deserve.

R. Reading. Read a book, a blog, a note about what you love, what you want to bring into your life.

S. Scribing. This is journaling. Take time to put pen to paper and speak of what great things happened in your day or in what good will happen in your day. A life worth living is worth recording.

Do a search of videos on Youtube about the Miracle Morning. And see how this is revolutionizing people’s lives. When we focus on what we want, what we love, what we deserve instead of what we fear, we are made new.

Stop fracturing your focus and instead create a magical life. 


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cloud Reading

Cloud reading
The clouds were really shape shifting today. Here are the images I saw:
- two horses crashing into each other head on
- submarine
- rider on a horse or dragon rearing up as if charging
Could be a day of conflicting emotions or just conflict with others. Today may be a day to keep a low profile and keep your opinions undercover and to yourself. Keep it until a time when your ideas would be more readily accepted and embraced. You will be moving forward in some way that will break through barriers you've previously put in place.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Universal Tarot Reading 6-24

Today I pulled cards from the Universal Tarot.

Chariot, 10 of Swords & 5 of Pentacles.

I am not all that happy with this draw. Two negative cards. Ugh.

Chariot says to get my conscious and subconscious mind going in the same direction. It can also mean victory and moving forward swiftly.

10 of Swords augers in an ending of suffering through over thinking. I have been mired in negativity and it is crushing me. No wonder I am exhausted. So this says to think more positively and focus on the good things in my life.

5 of Pentacles is about poverty thinking and needing to focus on the good stuff available to me and not the bad. Hum. I am seeing a pattern here. It says that if I continue to think in a negative way, I will continue on this negative path. This card shows a window where sanctuary is available and that requires us (me) to actually choose to focus on those good things in life, on the people who can assist me and lift me up. It means extracting myself from the negative situations in order to allow myself  to focus on the good. 

The shadow card is the 2 of Swords. It says that I have two paths and can’t really see where I need to go so I have to step out in faith  and just make the best decision I can based on the facts and my own gut instincts/intuition.

Last night I pulled Knight of Pentacles, Knave (Page) of Pentacles and The Fool. The shadow card was the 6 of Wands, victory. That kind of says that I have all these resources but I am not using them well enough or utilizing them at all. The Fool says this needs to change. I have a new path, new chapter ahead of me in life. Sheesh. The tarot sure does like to put the hurt on sometimes, doesn’t it. Just like last week said…. I need to look at the things I don’t want to look at.

I think it’s all about adapting to each situation that is before me. Take, for example, this cute new faux-dori cover I just purchased and received in the mail yesterday. A regular insert or notebook that is casher size should fit in it but it doesn’t. That kind of annoyed me at first. So I had to make my own insert. I had printed out a letter sheet with a dot grid I got online an had to cut it down from 8.5 inches to 7.25 inches tall. And low and behold… I actually like that size better. Go figure.

I guess it is time to do a bit more adapting and going with the flow. I think it will help me out greatly i the coming weeks.

Lastly, I have been watching a lot of YouTube and I don’t know if you have noticed but you tend to watch exactly what is resonating with you at the time so it speaks to helping you move out of situations you currently find yourself in. All the videos I watched seemed to be on the same line as this reading. It says don’t focus on what is and how it is so screwed up and just triggering you or basically not to your liking. Focus instead on how you want it to be. Focus on people’s good points and not their faults. Because what you focus on you bring into your life. I need to do a lot more of that positive focusing. I need to change up my thinking to really get my life to soar. I hope you all do this with me.

I hope this reading helps you in some way as much as it has helped me. Blessings.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Reading for June 20 - 26

Reading from the Pagan Ways Tarot

8 of Wands 
I like to call this the woo woo woo card since it is filled with so much energy. New messages from afar are zoning in on you and it tends to represent just being busy as a bee. I feel like it also represents an awakening of sorts. It's kind of like you have been asleep in some way and are now waking up again by getting a jolt to your system. 

Four of Swords
Usually represents taking time to rest and reflect. You have had a traumatic time lately and you deserve a break with a bit of calm and peace brought into the mix 

The Underworld (The Devil)
Yikes, right? Usually represents addiction of some type and focusing on the wrong things. Here it says that it is making you look at your shadow side and what you don't want to look at or acknowledge, where you like to hide things from yourself. Time to focus on what you haven't been focusing on. 

8 of Pentacles
This is the craftsman card. It tells you that you are blissfully good at something. And it is time to show the world just how talented and masterful you are at what it is you do. 

The Moon
This is always a curious card with many interpretations. Here it says divine knowledge attained through madness, inspiration or intuition. Can mean a time of confusion

Ace of Pentacles
This represents a burst of amazing healing energy in the material world. Represents the macrocosm or matrix of the world (earth, air, fire, water, spirit). A great renewal is upon us. 

My Take...

It's time to get busy because the messages are clear. You are exhausted from too much overwhelm. You need to rest and renew and take time to deal with all those things you keep putting off. Because if you do you will be able to shine your light more brightly and show the world what you are really made of. This might mean it is decision time on all those things you have been confused about. A wave of new energy is coming in that will help you break free of this old matrix of thinking and bring new insights and renewal. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Reading for the week of June 13-19

This reading comes from the Steampunk Tarot and while shuffling the top three cards jumped out. I am uncertain whether the 10 of Cups and the 8 of Swords needs to be switched so it makes me think that if you conquer your fears you will find happiness and connection. The five of wands in the middle of the two has a man holding up a pipe with a gear in it. Gears are made to work together. So this makes me think that the way we overcome our fears this week is to work with others instead of conflicting with them. This will bring you more happiness in your week. 

The three card spread 

Ten of Swords
Four of Cups
Knight of Wands with a clarifying card Four of Pentacles

You have risen to the top even through the struggles you have had to overcome. Light breaks in the distance showing that one chapter is over and a new more uplifting chapter is beginning in our lives. The four of cups asks us not to take past struggles so personally. it is not always about us when troubles come. It also asks you to pay attention to the signs and messages you are being given. If you stay in the victim mode you may miss something you truly need to know to move forward. 

The king of wands isn't sitting in his throne of power and to me this says that if you don't take that powerful position you may stay on the sidelines and miss all the excitement. The card that goes with it is the four of Pentacles. I like to call this the Law of Attraction card. It says that you need to be willing to release some things in your life that don't serve you in order to bring in the new things that will really rock your world in a positive way. 

In conclusion we need to work with others just the way two gears working together make things work better. And you are raising in vibration and a new day is dawning but pay attention to the messages you receive because they will help you to stand in you power and release the things that don't serve you. A new chapter in your life is unfolding and like a snake sheds its skin we need to shed those things in our lives that don't work in order to get our fresh start. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wisdom of the Oracle Reading

Do you ever feel like you want to get a little guidance yet you don't have access to oracle cards. Well, you should definitely check out Colette Baron-Reid's Website:

This link will give you the opportunity to not only choose ask a question but choose each card in a three card reading.

The cards above are from the link I mentioned and they are from the Wisdom of the Oracle deck.

Clean It Up, Be Flexible (Reversed) and Fork In The Road

When you see the images on the cards or the words... what does it say to you? That is the key to oracle cards. One card could have an image that reminds you of some time in  your past and that is just the thing you need to focus on right now and it might remind someone else of something completely different. When you get a sense of the cards meaning something, go with that thought.

To me, the banners at the top of the Clean It Up card remind me of the Quiddich match in a Harry Potter book. And going with that thought, that might make the stag the patronis that Harry makes in the movie when he has mastered his magic a bit more. It is a powerful spell. So this card is powerful. If you do some cleaning in your world, which could be getting bills done, housework completed, clothes put away or just sorting out things to give away, you are making space for more good to come into your world.

The Flexible card reminds me of the Hanged Man card in the Tarot but here the head is closer to heaven and if you become more flexible about the things that come into your world and just go with the flow you will find your thoughts moving closer and closer to divine insights. That is so cool. Awesome, right?

And the Fork In The Road card shows two arrows pointing back the way you came but the monkey sitting atop the signs points to the one telling you to move forward. It is your choice now to take all you have learned and move forward toward your bliss and big dream or to stay where you are and remain stagnant. I choose my big dream. I have made a lot of big changes lately and probably hurt some feelings but I had to do what was right for me. I hope you all choose to do what is for your own highest good. And strangely enough when you do what is right for you, you will find others will discover their own path to joy as well.

I send you so much love and blessings on your journey.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Reading for week of June 5

This reading says ... Dang, girl (or guy) you are awesome so why do you see yourself as unworthy? This poverty consciousness is effecting more than connecting with your twin flame/soul mate/whatever the heck they call them now. It is effecting many areas of your life. Spirit says I wish you could see you like we do. You would not be so hard on yourself. You shine so bright. 

Because you see only your unworthiness you will miss the relationships that you need to be a part of that will help you move forward. if all you see is your unworthiness, all you will find is chaos and unhappiness. And all that will lead to stagnation in your life. You don't want that. Learn to see your greatness in little ways and watch for those positive relationships that will come in as a result and that will lead to the blessed change and transformation you have been waiting for. The scales will balance. Coventina says that it is time for a cleansing of body and mind. I would add to that emotions too.  So exercise in some way even if that only means walking around your living room. Have faith that this blessed change is possible. And remember something may need to fall apart first before it is reborn for the better. This restructuring will lead to a transformation in your spiritual acuity. You will be able to hear your guides and maybe commune with the unseen of this world like fairies and angels. This new transition will be amazing if you only allow it to occur.