Today I am using the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Moon Cycles
Archangel Haniel: Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalize upon these cycles.
We are being surrounded by peace right now. And the energies of the full moon only make these energies stronger. This peace is to help offset the chaos that is now percolating in some people's lives right now.
You Are Safe
Archangel Michael: I am protecting you against lower energies and guarding you, your loved ones and home.
AA Michael is just telling us that he is with us. And he is protecting us from all this negative chaos and craziness that is popping up right now. We are okay. Don't freak out. He and God have it handled.
Archangel Azrael: I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.
You are in a time of need. Obviously because people around you are just plain cracking up. You may not experience it directly but it is sure setting off every alarm in your body and mind. Ask Azrael to help your heart to heal and be protected from this nonsense surrounding us.
Beloved One
Archangel Chamuel: I am helping you with your spiritual soul mate relationship.
People have come into our lives just to trigger us. They make us crazy and we sometime want to bop them on the head and ask them to stop that and buzz off. But these things we are learning at this time is very important. Don't miss these lessons. They are key right now.
Archngel Gabriel: As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important right now.
Yes, we need to nurture ourselves. We need to be good to ourselves. We need to take that bath at the end of the day with all those luscious bubbles and scented soaps. We need to see the beauty in our lives and really treat ourselves well.
My Take...
The energies right now are just bubbling with possibilities. We are asked to take advantage of this time because it is such a great time to manifest. There is an extra amount of peace and protection in the air as the people around us are triggered in their addictions and we see the fall out in their lives. We need to realize that our hearts are healing right now. We are being made new. Have you noticed how the crazy things in life don't bother you as much as they used to? People have been placed in our lives at key time to teach us lessons. Some are not that easy but if we pass, and usually we do, we will gain a great fulfillment in our lives. Remember to nurture yourself and really be good to you. And as you are good to you, you are also good to others. Nurture all those around you today and help them to claim their birthright, their creative passions and assistance from the Higher Realms and God.
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