Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Time to flow and open to the music all around us

 Today I am using the Universal Wisdom oracle and the Gaia Oracle
In my own way I will be continuing the BraveHawk One Deck Challenge. All this week on my YouTube Channel I will be using the Steampunk Tarot. On Facebook I will be posting cards from the Celtic Tarot.

Music of the Spheres

You are about to enter a positive and fertile period through which you will discover the secret of living an inspired and fulfilling life. 
Communication and flow is all round you and they are asking you to immerse yourself in it. Whether it be music, writing or art flow like the sound of the ocean's waves. It is time again, a new cycle, in which to be creative. Listen to music that inspires you while you work. And as you engage in this bliss, others will be encouraged in doing their own good works. 

Earth Song

This card shows us our deep connection to the earth. We are like the molecules in her body, ever moving, ever creating. Ask her to assist you when stuck and in turn send her energy when you are blessed, well and healthy. 


If we were to trace creation back to its source, it would lead to a point of light from which all creation stems. 

This card has come into the reading to remind you of the unlimited creative power, healing and wisdom that can be accessed through this sacred sound. 
The sound of creation is all around us brushing against our aura and just asking us to let it in and create from that place of oneness where all life began. 

Sacred Journey

Life cycles, Family, Transformation

We are taking a walk through time and this life is merely one pit stop along the way where we fill ourselves to the brim with experiences of all kinds. Have your experiences been well rounded or have you pigeon holed your life with such a narrow focus that you will barely being along anything to the next point along our long path. 

My Take. 

It's a time of creation. It's a time to attach to the flow of the universe. And Gaia is there to assist us as are all the Angels, guides, masters, teachers and loved ones. Connect to the flow of a time beyond time and access that knowledge that finally needs to be released. It will be broken open through sound. Sing, make music, play and watch the knowledge become revealed to us. This is a sacred journey we are on and we are all here for family, our own past and present and which includes Gaia and her wonderful support system, the Universe. 

Follow my YouTube Channel
Watch my Tarot/Oracle videos! 

Read my web serials...
The Legacy http://webspace.webring.com/people/sl/legacy_adventure/
Check out my fictional blog: thelegacy.blogspot.com

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