Two of Wands
There is a universal belief that one's reflection is a vital part of one's soul. It is said that reflective surfaces are soul catchers or doorways to the world of spirit. Buddhists accept that all existence is like a reflection in a mirror. Depicted in this card is a beautiful fairy seeking the deeper meaning of her existence. Unlike Narcissus, whose soul was trapped in his water reflection because of his vanity, this fairy is uniting with her \beloved self,\ or the aspect of her ego that is all loving. She sees in her own image the potential of sacred beauty. When we are ready for inner transformation, we come face-to-face with our true selves. Who is your true self? Are you radiant and glowing? This is a time of profound personal awareness and insight. Find a place of solitude and serenity and explore your hidden talents. Intuitive gifts strengthen you. Perhaps you can visualize your true face. As one Buddhist koan asks, \What does your original face look like?
24. Infinite Potential
Soul Message: If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. –William Arthur Ward
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
–Japanese Proverb
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung
Alchemy and Transformation: At this exalted juncture, one may become sensitive to energy fields and vortexes, ley lines, and power centers within the body of the earth. The human body, containing the miracle of the Divine Feminine, is once again in union with the Tree of Life that birthed the potential of the world. Once you realize this, you become a strong vessel of unlimited love, light, and wisdom.
Awakening to the Archetype –Sheela Na Gig (The Green Woman): Sheela Na Gig embodies a most profound and complete understanding of the Trinitarian nature of Infinite Potential, for She is Mother, Maiden, and Crone—all three aspects of the Triple Goddess—in one. What She teaches us is that without the death energy of the Crone, the Maiden cannot conceive and the Mother cannot give birth.
Everyday Encounters: You encounter the Triple Goddess of Infinite Potential whenever you conceive a thought or emotion and let it ripen in the womb of pure awareness before sharing it with the world. When you allow old habits and patterns to die a natural death, making room for the possibility of a new you. Tap into your psychic abilies. Trust your intuition.
Nature’s Healers: Lotus
Second Chakra
Chakra Attributes: (Color: Orange) (Herbs: Gardenia, Damiana) (Function: Desire, Pleasure, Sexuality, Procreation)
Healing Essence of the Chakra: Located in our lower belly, it is where we relate to our bodies through the procreative centers. Through a healthy second chakra one can heal relationship problems, transform deep and hurtful emotions, and balance life.
Healing Flower: Hibiscus
Keywords: Life Energy, Creative, Procreative, Giving, Receiving, Inner Truth
Affirmations: I make my decisions from a place of hope and faith. My creative drive is strong and exciting. My sexuality is fulfilling and meaningful. I am life.
California Poppy
Latin: Eschscholzia californica
Color(s): Pale Yellow to Deep Orange
Archetype: Deva, the Flower Fairies. These magician beings of etheric beauty are the omnipresent agents of Creative Will, the engineers of Nature. They direct, build, weave, and sustain all natural forces: solar, planetary, and universal. They are the “shining ones”—luminous beings of iridescent light, color and energy.
Signature: Growing abundantly in bright sunlight, California Poppy is quite durable in the hot summer months. Eight to twenty-four inch stems with blue-green leaves support soft, satiny petals ranging from pale yellow to deep orange. Its blooms close on cloudy days and at night.
Healing Properties: California Poppy carries within it the radiant heights of summer and the majesty of the sunlight. It helps to expand one’s vision to include the auric fields of flowers, plants, trees, animals, human beings and other beings found in nature.
Healing: The fairy world, in its supreme purity, has come to greet you today. Perhaps you are being rewarded for having opened your heart to the wonders of the natural world. The Little People wish to pay their respects and welcome you into their magical world. Rejoice. This is, indeed, an honor. Greater vision is offered to you at this time, for you have been met with the devic consciousness of the Golden Poppy Fairy, who overlights her helpers, carrying the treasure of the warm and nurturing Sunlight within her heart. Close your eyes and allow the rapture of her radiant enchantment to fill your own loving heart. She may make herself known to you as you sleep, in meditation, or in awakened moments of ordinary life. Since fairy folk cannot resist the allure of creative energy, perhaps the Poppy Fairy will join you in your own symphony of creative harmonies as you undertake that creative project for which you've been meaning to find the time.
My Take...
We are seeking the deeper meaning of our existence. And as we look out onto the horizon what do we see? We are integrating with our Higher Self and as we do the vistas open up for us. We are unlimited. If you can imagine it, you can create it. We need to heal our second chakra and maybe by listening to 288 hz music, it will assist us as well as having flowers around us like Gardenia to help keep us grounded. And as the sun peeks out on the horizon we are becoming abundant and shining full of new color and energy for healing. Our vision is expanding so we can see the auric fields of the people and plants, trees and everything. Supreme purity has come to greet us today as we have finally opened our heart to the who of who we truly are and what we are meant to do.