Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obstacles are there to get your attention today.

Today I am using the Inner Realms Tarot and Messages from Your Angels oracle.

The Hanged Man

Submission, suspend, surrender, sacrifice, non-action

10 of Wands

Tired, laboring, workload, obstacles, oppression, obedience

Page of Wands

Creative, daring, inventive, passion


New romance is imminent - either with a newcomer or through reignited passion in our existing relationship. Be open to giving and receiving love.


When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today such as a massage, sea salt bath or pedicure.

My Take...

I have only recently acquired this tarot deck and have pulled the Hanged Man quite a number of times. This is definitely a message for us. We are all a bit discombobulated. We are flipped topsy turvy and wonder what is going on, what is next, what do I do now? This card is asking you to center into your heart. Stop thinking so much in your head. And move that sense to your heart chakra. 

You are thinking too much because of the 10 of Wands. You are on overload. So much is going on in your world. It just never gets done. You just want to shout, "stop the world, I want to get off!" Obstacles that are in your path now are only there in order to help you move forward on your path. Maybe you are not getting the message and now they have to take drastic action to get your attention.

Page of Wands is all about creative action, creative messages, and the like. Pages run around the kingdom carrying correspondence from the king to others. What creative message is spirit sending you?

Looks like the message is all about romance. Someone new is coming into your life in order to move you forward in your life's journey. They are asking you to remain open to the loving energy that is coming in for you. Don't push it away when it shows up.

And we are being reminded to take good care of ourselves. Don't neglect your own needs. You are important too. Take time for you today.


  1. Beautiful reading!
    I am resting from the creating today...sometimes in the 'doing', details slip out and away...so today, I rest!
    Reading and recording! So much fun!

    New relationship coming in seems to be pretty prevalent across the board this week. Interesting.

    And, yes, I did indeed have the 'Tend your heart and happiness in order to keep the flow of love coursing through your life and touching all you encounter" talk this morning while walking with my darling neighbor.

  2. That's such a great reading and positive news!

    Thank you!!!

