Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We are opening up - 4/2

I'm picking from a few different decks today. Earth Magic, Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides, Wisdom of the House of Night and the Self Care Cards.


This is telling us that there is a lot more going on under the surface in your life. Maybe you already know this or maybe you are breaking through the ice into another's life. Know that there is much more to discover as the ice thaws.


The period of darkness that you have been experiencing is now passing
The penguin really goes with the Iceberg card. That's his kind of territory. So, as things thaw in your life,the darkness that had a grip on you is letting go. You are catching yourself in your negative thoughts and reverting them. You are letting the divine, who is working behind the scene, really help you move forward.


This is where you are standing in your power. You are accessing the Warrior within you. And as you access this powerful place you are really stepping into the Leadership position that we've been talking about for the last month.


The lady in this card is cloaked in blue. This makes me think you are really emersed in speaking your truth. Or Archangel Michael has put his cloak of protection around you. You are stepping out in your independence (cat) and opening new doorways of experience.


This card is pink. unconditional love, nurturing and purity. You are releasing the old dirty, black emotions and coming away a cleaner, more divine being. The karma of old, the past, is letting go and you are reading for the love that is so available for us all.


Looks pretty simple from my end. You're opening up to the love of the higher realms and releasing the old karma that has held you in a sort of bondage. You are accessing your new power, standing in your truth and trusting in your guides to lead you to all the All That Is has to offer us.