Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You are truly divinely guided - 4/30

Today we are using cards from the Daily Guidance from your Angels oracle.


Marriage is the union of two souls joined in love, mutual respect, and commitment. It signifies a desire to deepen love overtime. Your wedding day is a testament to your well-founded faith in love's power. Continually breathe life into that faith and love, dearest one.

What Do You Desire?

You know have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's true desires. Once you clearly decide upon your true desires and know that you're ready and deserving of them, they'll rush into your life as if by magic.

Trustworthy Guidance 

You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support and anything that you need related to this idea. 


Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and divine guidance. we are your coworkers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways. 

My Take...

You need to put your focus on what you really want to create in this world. And marry that with something else, maybe it's something you're already doing. But focus on your highest goals and priorities. And know that you are getting guidance from your angels, guides and God/Source. Pay attention to the signs you receive. They are true divine guidance. and this will lead you to maybe partaking in some sort of business venture. Maybe even one with someone else since we get the "work in groups" message so often.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wealth, abundance coming in for us - 4/29

Today I am using the Whimsical Tarot and the Gummy Bear Tarot by U.S.Games Systems Inc.

Page of Pentacles
Message about wealth, health, abundance. Pay attention to the signs you receive about money today.

Ace of pentacles
This is a card that uplifts all the other cards in the deck. It's a gift of an unexpected opportunity, fruitful possibility. The gift of money or abundance.

Eight of swords
Self-imposed restriction. We feel Iike we have no option or we are blind to the options before us and we are stuck.

The moon
Uncertainty, dreams, the unconscious mind are all themes of the Moon card.

Seven of Rods
Competition or conflict with others. Others are challenging you in your area of expertise.

The chariot
Animals, mice, moving in new and different directions. The party is over and it seems things are going back to normal but there is a gift here. Believe in the power of your dreams and forge ahead.

Ace of cups
The gift of emotion, of love. Maybe a new romantic interest is coming in for you or you are just embracing this love vibe.

King of Swords
One who has authority or makes decisions in the realm of ideas and communication. Mastery of the mind.

My Take...
You are noticing a message coming in about abundance and wealth. And this gift is pull of promise and new beginnings in your financial area. Just don't get lost mulling it all over in your mind and getting all list, uncertain and stuck. You have enough competition around as it is. But there is nothing really to fret about. You will grab this new gift of wealth and use it wisely and be victorious. You're moving forward in your abundance and then another new gift comes in possibly a new relationship that will help you explore how to master your ideas and your communication.

I hope this makes sense. Have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Mastery leads to a bright future - 4/26

Today I am using the Mystic Dreamer Tarot and the Goddess Guidance Oracle.


There is a potential for thievery, gossip, envy. Something is going on behind the scenes of your life that you don't know about. Someone involved in your life has decided to use subterfuge to achieve his or her goals. You may need to get grounded in order to calm your mind and thoughts. Maybe you are the one prone to gossip.


Victory through mastery is the theme of this card. You have mastered something in your life and you are riding high hoisting your flag in triumph. There have been opposing and conflicting forces in your life but you are overcoming that. You are using your focus to drive your horses forward. But this card does seem a bit foggy so maybe you have been undecided about your forward movement in some area. But know that you are going to be successful in it.


This is all about living in your courage and embracing that aspect of yourself. You have a quiet strength inside of you that you are now allowing the world to see. Now is the time to exert this calm but assured strength. And this is really making the creative fire inside you shine brightly.

LAKSHMI - Bright Future

Stop worrying. Everything is going to be fine.

This card is all yellow so it is about living in your power. You have a bright future ahead of you. You are being supported by Archangel Chamuel who is all about the pink energy. The path you have taken has led you right to this moment. Stand in your power and know that you are enough, you are doing what you set out to do. There is no need for fear or going all crazy in your head.

My Take...

Something is going on behind the scenes. Either someone is taking about you in envious ways or you are the one doing the gossiping. But you are having a victory in some area of your life. So maybe other people are whispering about you and your bright future. You have mastered something and it is getting people talking. And this mastery is making you a stronger person. It is lighting a fire under you that is taking you in a new direction. And this new direction will be a bright future for you. Don't worry. It's going to be wondrous.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New beginnings lead to nurturing creative potential - 4/25

Today I am using the Connolly Tarot for my 3-card reading.


This is about a time of growth. You should be nurturing without forcing but don't neglect your creative projects. There is great potential for abundance if good care is given. This may require action on your part.


This card indicates being at a crossroads. There are a variety of paths before you and you can choose your path. You need to make an intuitive decision. Step out in faith and make your choice.


This queen is down to earth and all about the slow moving energy. She likes to make plans and lists and she gets satisfaction from completing her projects. You need to nurture this element in your life, the element of earth. You need grounding. You need to nurture your wealth, health, family, job or creative abundance.

My Take...

You are in a time of creative growth and should nurture that because you will be coming to an ending of sorts. A crossroads in your life. Now it's time to choose your own adventure. Use your intuition and make your choice. But make sure this choice really nurtures your creative inspirations, your abundance and brings you what makes you happy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You are expressing yourself in abundant ways - 4/24

Today I am using the Earth Magic oracle deck and the Sacred Circle Tarot.

Imagination – Queen of Swords

You're nurturing your creative ideas. you're in your power. you really have the power of your words, the power of creativity working your life right now. Your clear decision making abilities are needed right now. 

Expression – Queen of Disks

You're in your heart. you're expressing your words, your creative visions, your ideas in loving ways. you're coming from your heart and you're nurturing this abundance, wealth, health and family in your life.

Spirituality – Ace of Cups

You are given a gift of emotions, a gift of love. Your cup is about to overflow with joy, happiness and positive feelings. Could represent passion that is sexual or passion and devotion to nurturing a new idea, goal or creative endeavor where you're accessing your intuition. 

Summer Solstice - Radiance

Let the sun inspire your inner radiance to shine. Release the concerns about what may happen in the future and appreciate everything. 

Milky Way - Perspective. 

You have lost your perspective so it's time to step back, breathe and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information. Detaching means looking at things from a different pony of view, a new perspective, Luke the Hanged Man in the Tarot. 

My Take...

You are expressing and nurturing your ideas and thoughts through writing and words. And you are really feeling like these ideas are a new gift to the world that will represent your love, passion. Shine your light and look at your project from a new perspective. It will turn out great. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pay attention to your fulfillment - 4/23

Today I am using the Enchanted Map Oracle and the Steampunk Tarot. And FYI, they are both available as apps at the ITunes store!


Deliberate, clear intentions have the power to change your world. Your objectives will be filled at this time. Inspired intentions are like magic arrows trying to the sky. The universe is bringing you a gift, showing you that you're hitting your mark. 


Life is filled with lessons. Be teachable. Wisdom comes from participating in life, not just reading about it. This card suggests that you might not have enough knowledge about what you seek, direction to take, the circumstances, the nature of your inquiry. Important information is coming.

Ace of Cups

Overflowing abundance and new emotions are in the air. You are seeing things from a new and higher perspective. You have a gift of love, intuition and possibly a new relationship. 

4 of Cups

You are experiencing disillusionment  and are not happy. You are not looking for the fulfillment that you have available to you. Pay more attention to the things in your world that have the possibility to fulfill you. You have many options around. Pay attention to the signs. 

My Take...

You have set intentions (or are about to) to gain more knowledge. You may be getting this new knowledge from the higher realms or maybe your hughes self as downloads. Pay attention to the things that come into your mind. Your intuition is on fire now. You just have to listen to your inner guidance. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Focus on joy, Get Your Wish -- 4/22

Today I am using the Archangel Michael oracle deck and the Housewives Tarot. 

Spend More Time Outdoors

Thank you for motivating me to spend more time outdoors and for helping me relax and try connecting with nature


Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me see that all of your qualities of pure love and light are reflected within me and all others. help me embrace my God-given innocence so that I may be at peace

5 of Swords

Accept your limitations. Focus on those projects you know you can complete. Let go of your perfectionistic nature. Any arguments you get into today will be futile. 

Nine of Cups

Wishes fulfilled. Whatever your little heat desires is available to you. 

My Take...

Get out into nature and embrace the peace. Maybe you've been too stressed by all the chaos in your life, mental anguish. But you just need to focus in on what you really want, your bliss, your joy and when you do, you get all your wishes granted. It's really a wondrous time right now.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Be brave and decompress - 4/21

Today I am using the Saints & Angels oracle. I thought it was appropriate for Sunday.

Guardian angel

Guardian angel

You will be focused in in your communication today. Things look murky and uncertain but your guardian angel and black spotted panther are standing guard behind you asking you to be brave when facing conflict today. Things happen for a reason. And when these things come up make sure you do something that will alleviate the stress. Exercise, take a walk in nature, talk to your friends, listen to music... Whatever it is that you do to decompress, be prepared to do it today.

I'm sending many blessings to you on this Sunday morning.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

In search for a purpose - 4/20

Today I am pulling cards from the Mystic Faerie Tarot and the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms.

This card is all about success. You will have success and abundance in your life. You are being enlightened by being out in the sun. Your DNA is being changed by being in the sun.

Trust, strategy.
You have all the tools you need in your quest for a life of purpose , peace and prosperity Ask spirit for a vision of your life and also ask to know the right actions to take to ensure your part in the unfolding. Then allow and trust the Divine to bring you what you need. Follow your bliss and the inspired messages delivered by your soul.

My Take...
You are going to have success in finding your true life purpose. And you will have success in trusting in the divine to bring you exactly what you need to move forward on your path. Trust in the process.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Meditate and Vibrate in a positive way-4/19

Today I am using the Ascended Masters oracle and the Angel Therapy oracle


Siddhartha Gautama Buddha




Archangel Michael


Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.


This is asking you to be quiet. Get into stillness. Meditate. Embrace the new energies that are around you every day. This will help you gain access to your intuition. And as you meditate, keep your focus on everything you want and not what you don't want. When you complain or think negatively, you are not positively creating. You are bringing toward you that which you don't want. When you focus on that which you want, that which brings you joy, you bring joyous things toward you. And Archangel Michael is saying that you have the ability to change your thoughts around. You are on the leading edge of this thought. And that is why the Workshops and Seminars card came up. They want you to either teach what you know or attend these in order to gain more knowledge. 

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Learn to allow and receive - 4/18

Today I am pulling from the Fellowship of the Fool Tarot. And if you are wondering about why there is no YouTube video today.. well, YouTube wouldn't authenticate my name and password so I could upload it. This has happened once before but I was able to upload by the morning. Not this morning, unfortunately. So I have posted my reading to my Facebook page. www.facebook.com/tonispywriter/

4 of Pentacles

This is all about how you are not allowing the universe to give to you. You are holding so tightly to the things you already have that you are afraid you will lose them some day.But by your holding so tightly to these things, they tell the universe that you have all you need. So, please allow the universe, spirit, the divine, your friends and family to give to you.

The Lovers

This is all about a new relationship coming in. It could be a romantic one, but it doesn't have to be. It's also about making a choice, a decision, about something.


Love, lust for life, the will to survive, these are all sources of your strength. You have overcome the troubled waters of your life and now are coming out stronger, more balanced and in harmony with the world. Success has been found. Yay!

My Take...

You need to learn to receive the guidance your spirit guides and angels are trying to tell you. You need to allow the universe to give you its great abundance. Imagine what you have only multiplied ten-fold. One Hundred-fold. And expect to have to make a decision about this or have someone come into your life to help you figure out how to receive better. And then this will bring you to a place of strength, courage and self-confidence.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Get creative and into your bliss today - 4/17

Today I am using the Ascended Masters oracle, the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle and the Angel Therapy oracle.


Paul the Venetian


The dolphins know the importance of playing,as joy creates miracles and manifestation.


It's safe for you to see the energy of love in all of its forms, such as angels, auras, and visions

My Take...

Well, it looks like the cards are telling us to get creative, artistic, make music, make art, make paintings, make anything that makes your soul sing. And have fun doing it. Make it like play time. And as you get into these joyous feelings you will be assisting in opening your third-eye chakra and opening to the love the ascended masters, angels and god want to give to you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Make today wonderful - create it - 4/16

Today I am using the Earth Magic deck by Steven D. Farmer.


Your breath is the crossover between Spirit and physical reality. Breathing comfortably and steadily helps you align yourself with Spirit, which then brings a clearer focus on what creative expression is preparing to be birthed through and from you. Discard any habitual thought patterns that would prevent the manifestation of what you are being prompted to bring forth. Allow yourself to take risks with this self-expression and all of Creation will smile upon you.


What are your passions? What turns you on? What ignites that inner flame, that creative spark? When you feel devoid of passion, consider what is missing in your life. It is most likely an absence of “fire in your belly,” something that makes your heart beat faster and quickens your breathing. Passion is not something that comes from outside of you, although some events and circumstances can trigger it. It is an intensity of feeling, whether quietly experienced or enthusiastically expressed.


You have the advantage of an incredible synergy at this time. A flow of Life is guiding you, where things just seem to fall into place as you move about your business. You are in a mutually cooperative interaction with Spirit, as your will is aligned with the will of Spirit, and your mission is congruent with your sense of purpose.

All text above by Steven D. Farmer


Just as God breathed the world into creation by uttering words, you breathe your own life into creation by your thoughts, actions and yes, words. Make your passions count for something. Ignite that inner flame and do what makes your soul sing. Because as you do you bring a wonderful balance to the world. You get into the flow of life and you become in tune with spirit, the divine in this dance of life.

This is just asking you to start creating stuff. What do you love? Do that. What do you desire to create in your world... create it, or at the very least, think it into creation by your positive intent.

Make today wonderful

Monday, April 15, 2013

New insights plus big change - 4/15

Today I am using the Psychic Tarot by John Holland and the Archangel Oracle by Doreen Virtue.

1 of Cups

Love Begins

This is all about a gift of our emotions. Love is coming in for us. Possibly this means romance is afoot. It is also about trusting that inner voice you have and responding to the messages that come from within your heart.

7 of Pentacles

Patience and planning

You are waiting for your harvest to come in but you are weighing the different approaching you would take when considering a change. You are finally going to be seeing results from the seeds you've planted. Maybe you just need to evaluate something in your life.

13 Transformation

Death - A time of endings is close at hand. 

You are closing one door and opening another. You are cutting away that which is no longer necessary and may experience the force of sweeping change.


Archangel Raziel 

This angel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. 
I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can see Heavenly love. 

My Take...

You are gaining new insights into your inner voice, the whisperings of your heart. Maybe you are going to hear them for the first time. And this has come because of the patience you have had as you worked hard on developing this ability. And this is causing a big change in your life. One that is closing a door in your life. Maybe you had been blind to a situation and now your eyes are open to it and its influence on you. You are awakening to the Heavenly love of the ascended masters, angels and god.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Balance + Peace = Creative Expression 4/13

Take the path of moderation and balance. You'll gain better results by reevaluating your current situation. All your experiences have made you stronger.

When we balance silence with activity, we discover true peace of mind -- the source of all joy and happiness.

You're likely feeling stuck or blocked. The angels are guiding you to awaken your creativity by engaging in art or crafts. Engage in the act of creating.

My Take...
Take a balanced approach to life and live in peace and harmony as you approach your day. And this will keep you calm and centered while you embrace your artistic passions that will open up your creativity

Friday, April 12, 2013

Powerful sudden unexpected change leads to abundance - 4/12

Today I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle and the Wisdom of Avalon oracle. Mariann used these cards for me saying they really had my vibe. And I have to agree. I totally love the whole Druid, King Arthur, Avalon, Lady of the Lake thing. 

The Lady of Lightning

Surprises, sometimes shock, total paradigm shift
She brings a powerful force of change into your life. She tells you to expect a sudden shift in your circumstances. Perhaps a situation you weren't anticipating arises and offers you the opportunity of a lifetime. Maybe a person enters your life and pushes you to new heights. Don't resist. Relax and wait out this storm of change. A wonderful new life has an opportunity to grow when the storm passes. 

The Lady of the Mirror

Reflection, non-judgment
This reminds you that you are what you attract. Just like a mirror reflects your image, your outer life reflects your inner life. Don't judge yourself too harshly. You are exactly where you need to be on your path right now. 


This is the marker of abundance and success and the achievement of a goal. It's a reminder that all things can be attained. I am getting the whole going into nature vibe and to commune with the trees. Trees have great knowledge for us.

My Take...

A big surprise is coming, something we aren't expecting. And if we remain non-judgemental and let the change flow through us, we will be awarded wealth, abundance and fulfillment. Just let the storm that comes at the forefront pass and then it will be all good! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let go of what you're holding onto- 4/11

This is the Witches Tarot. And again, I did not expect a reversed card so I thought this to be significant.

We have two different knights moving toward Death reversed. Death reversed is all about how you are holding onto something that has lived beyond its expiration date. Could be that job that no longer serves you, some passion you have long past let go into stagnation, something is changing and you're not letting it. And you are being encouraged to move forward with your abundance, wealth, family or career in the Knight of Pentacles. He offers a gift of action. The Knight of Swords is in the future position offering ideas that are to come. Ideas that you are not letting come into fruition. Let go of the things that don't serve you. Let them fall away. And then embrace the powerful ideas that the Knight of Swords brings us. It will really balance your life and bring you a bit of justice. So maybe this means that the karma of the past is being left behind, or they are asking you to really work on this karma so you can leave it behind you.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New choices lead to a new understanding of life - 4/10


This is all about having a lot of choices. You look here. You look there. Everywhere is something different. Don't try to do it all, but chose those things that most resonate with you. And then do that to the best of your ability.


We are jumping from our ending, a completion of something in our lives into a festive new beginning. This card can also indicate you are ready to do some traveling


This is a message about ideas, And the Page is bringing you a message about some idea in your world. It is also about analyzing the problem before you or facing the facts in your life. You will meet any set back with a renewed energy.


There is an immediate way that you can change your life for the better. It is a wonderful way of learning to trust that will bring greater understanding of your life. We need to learn to trust and embrace the fun just like the fairies do.


We are facing a lot of choices before us. And this will be a whole new beginning of sorts. These choices will be choices we've never experienced before. But watch out for signs and messages about these new choices coming from various sources like overheard conversations, television, our guides and angels. And this is all going to change our lives for the better and give us a better understanding of life as we know it.

These messages do get pretty deep sometimes, don't they?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Keep calm and make a better decision - 4/9

Today I pulled two cards from Messages from your Angels. I know some of you may think... where are all the cards, why only two. Well, I keep getting this message of slowing down, you're pushing too hard. I don't want to give it up entirely, so I am cutting back the readings to a smaller amount of cards to appease my angels and guides.


To help heal this situation, see each other person's point of view with compassion.


Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further.

My Take...

The angels are asking us to see other's point of views while still taking a deeper look at the motivations of those same people. People are put into our lives for a reason. Maybe that reason is to help us or block us. Either way it helps us further our path to ascension. You are being warned that maybe this situation you are in might not be in your best interest and to detach from it. This could also mean detaching your thoughts and hamster wheel thinking. Focus instead on what you love, your bliss, anything positive and joyful. And as you embrace the calm, you can make a better decision for your future.






Monday, April 8, 2013

Talk about Awakening Fool... 4/8

Today I am using the Answer is Simple Oracle and the Fools Wisdom Oracle.


Wake up, open the curtains of your life and get ready to meet the world. You are waking up in so many ways.


Mean what you say and do, and say and do what holds meaning for you.

This reminds me of the Four Agreements. Be impeccable with your word. Don't say things about yourself or others in jest because that might make it manifest for you.


You are awakening more and more. Looks like the veils are opening revealing the new dimension of love underneath. And while this new energy comes in, remember to say and do what you really want to manifest. When we put ourselves down or criticize we are manifesting what we don't want. Keep your mind focused on the things you want to manifest because it's gonna happen a lot quicker now.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Step away from stress - 3/6

Today I'm using the Heart Tarot for the Saturday reading

Three of wands.
You are Coming together with someone else in a partnership and adventure is blossoming as you build something new. This is bringing in new knowledge. And this knowledge is being given to others.

Ten of Wands
First thing that comes to mind is strife, overwork. You're trying too hard to accomplish something.

Knight of wands
This is all about someone who is protective and also a little stubborn. You are also taking action on some creative or inspiring thing in your life. Don't stick your head in the sand.

5 of cups
You've been having worry or pain. Maybe about a child usually the five is about emotional loss.

Queen of cups
you're looking into the well of the universe, of your own heart and you are finding a new type of fulfillment.

The Chariot.
You are having triumph and victory. Plus this is a completion of sorts. You just have to get your birds moving in the same direction. Move away from the loss and toward the well of life and you will find success.

My Take..
This is a great adventure for you. You must conquer the stress and overwork if the 3D world and take action on those creative things that bring you joy. Step away from the loss and pain and embrace the well of knowledge and wisdom Source wants to bring to you.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Release the beast that has been holding you back - 4/5

Lot of meat in this reading today. Good stuff. Today I am using the Daily Guidance from your Angels and the Archangel Oracle. There is a lot of pink energy in the first three cards so I thought I'd look up a bit of pink symbolism for you.

Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and violence. Some prisons use limited deep pink tones to diffuse aggressive behaviour.
Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance.
Put some pink in your life when you want:
• calm feelings
• to neutralize disorder
• relaxation
• acceptance, contentment


We shower you with blessings of our radiant love. Open your arms and release the challenges that you've held tightly gripped in your hands. (Can you say 4 of Pentacles, anyone? Bueller?) Open your hands, arms and heart to our love and assistance.


Your soul desires only to joyfully serve, and to swim n a constant stream of bliss. This stream continuously feeds you everything you need. Put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving (Six of Pentacles) in every situation, and in all that you do.


The sun sets and rises each day, and it's the same with the avenues of your life. (Oh, this is totally The Sun card) See the beauty within each sunset in your life and know that the sun will also rise again tomorrow. Endings are merely  the start of a new beginning and we are with you through each cycle and phase.


Archangel Jeremiel
Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced. (Temperance, maybe?)


You are opening to the blessings, success and happiness that the higher realms can offer us. Release the burdens that weigh you down. Follow your bliss and focus that bless in a way that helps others. And it's time to start this venture right now. You will see a rebirth in your life (Death card). Heal the shaky parts that keep you unstable (The Tower card). Balance is key now.

So, if we go by the tarot cards I see in this spread, here is what they have to say in the reading.

You are clinging to something in your life with a death grip. Loosen up a little. Allow the universe to give you what you need. And that may be something even better than you ever dreamed.

The universe is wanting to give to you because you give so much to it. Now be willing to receive this abundance and in turn give this abundance back to others.

The trials of your life, the ups and downs, the chaos and the peace have molded you into the person you are. This is just asking that you try and retain a balance between the chaos and peace. Find a happy medium now.

This is all about rebirth or closing one door in your life only to open another door. You are stepping out into the unknown or coming into a transition period.

Your foundations have been rattled. Some sort of outside influence has struck your life and things are changing because of it. Usually, this seems worse when you're in the storm than when the storm has passed. When it's over, you will realize how needed this shake up was.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

As intuition increases, so does your destiny - 4/5

Today I am using the Sacred Rose Tarot and the Angel Dreams Oracle.


This card is about understanding your drives and passions. By understanding and accepting them, you can use them to achieve your goals. Move about with a quiet strength that doesn't need to be forced, now is the time to embody this.


This knight is the most emotional, the most intuitive, the most romantic and the most loyal. He's that knight in shining armor type. This could also mean that you are taking action on some emotion in your life right now, or on some intuition that you have sensed in your realm.


This shows an end of an argument or clash or some kind. The winner is anyone's guess but it may have been won by less than honorable methods. It indicates someone that has put their needs above others.You will know if you are the winner or running away.


Self-Expression • Movement
The time to dance is now. You need to move your body, expressing your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual self. Dancing is a universal language of body, mind and soul that allows you to balance your chakras, release pent-up emotions and give yourself an out let for joy.


Psychic Abilities • Behavior Patterns
This is here to remind you to practice and hone your psychic abilities. Amethyst is symbolic of protection, divine communication, the ethereal, the third eye, the crown chakra and purification.


This card is here to announce the need to resolve a situation in your life. It also heralds that a resolution is coming. You know what needs to be done.

Shadow Cards: (bottom card on both decks)


Alternative Course • Choices
Do not delay in making a decision facing you. Feel out an alternative course of action. Play a mental movie in your mind about how it could be played out. Notice the difference between your current life and imagined scenario. Go with the choice that makes you feel happier.


There will be an unexpected change to your plans, a conflict of interest or an idea ready to materialize into your world. This card advises that you get ready for something new because change is coming. It is likely that some temporary chaos in your life will bring good fortune in the long run.


Your strength lies in your emotions, in your intuition and you are taking action, or should take action on something that is really ready to empower you. But be wary of clashes between you and others. No one really comes out the winner when everyone is focused on themselves. Try to compromise to make it a win-win situation.

They are asking you to get up and move about, exercise, dance, walk in nature. Just express yourself with movement because as you move more, you really access that intuition more fully. You get messages from the divine more easily. And you are more able to trouble shoot whatever comes up in your life with success. Just remember that YOU ARE THE CREATOR. You create your world. Keep that in mind. And know that change is always on the wind and comes swiftly when we least expect it. But this change will be positive.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A new beginning = success 4 U - 4/3

Today I am using the Voice of the Trees oracle and the Enchanted Oracle. I shuffled the cards together since they are conveniently equal in size decks.


This is all about being connected to another person, usually romantically but not necessarily in this case. You have this current moving behind the pair. I see this as a connection to the divine or your higher self.


Oneness • Consciousness
Wisdom is readily available to you, all you have to do is look within. There are connections between events you might not have seen before.


You or someone you care about is in pain. This card brings with it the promise of healing and peace.This can also put you in the role of peacemaker or healer.


Comfort • Success
Success and good fortune are available for you in any endeavor. You find comfort in knowing you will have enough to make you comfortable and too share with others as well. Signs point to good vibes toward business transactions.

Shadow Card:


Growth • Beginnings
When this card comes up in a reading it augers in new beginnings and positive change. Now is the time to get into the proper frame of mind for success.


You are finding a closer and closer connection to the Divine and your Higher Self and it is bringing you new wisdom that you have to find within yourself. Look for new connections to sprout up for you. And if you or someone you know is in pain, know that you are a healer, peacemaker and friendly ear for them. Be kind to yourself for success is just around the corner with this new beginning. The entire reading is about stepping out in faith as you move forward with this new beginning, growth in your life.

Blessings and Happy 45th Birthday to ME!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We are opening up - 4/2

I'm picking from a few different decks today. Earth Magic, Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides, Wisdom of the House of Night and the Self Care Cards.


This is telling us that there is a lot more going on under the surface in your life. Maybe you already know this or maybe you are breaking through the ice into another's life. Know that there is much more to discover as the ice thaws.


The period of darkness that you have been experiencing is now passing
The penguin really goes with the Iceberg card. That's his kind of territory. So, as things thaw in your life,the darkness that had a grip on you is letting go. You are catching yourself in your negative thoughts and reverting them. You are letting the divine, who is working behind the scene, really help you move forward.


This is where you are standing in your power. You are accessing the Warrior within you. And as you access this powerful place you are really stepping into the Leadership position that we've been talking about for the last month.


The lady in this card is cloaked in blue. This makes me think you are really emersed in speaking your truth. Or Archangel Michael has put his cloak of protection around you. You are stepping out in your independence (cat) and opening new doorways of experience.


This card is pink. unconditional love, nurturing and purity. You are releasing the old dirty, black emotions and coming away a cleaner, more divine being. The karma of old, the past, is letting go and you are reading for the love that is so available for us all.


Looks pretty simple from my end. You're opening up to the love of the higher realms and releasing the old karma that has held you in a sort of bondage. You are accessing your new power, standing in your truth and trusting in your guides to lead you to all the All That Is has to offer us.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Your Master Teacher is calling you to your purpose - 4/1

Today in my daily reading over on YouTube I used the same cards and layout as Mizo Tarot. It was my form of an April Fools joke on my viewers. Although, I'm not sure anyone thought it was funny. No one posted a comment. Oh, well. I am using the same card combo here for my blog using the Mystic Dreamers Tarot and the Ask Your Guides oracle.


This is all about standing in your power. Really being the authority in your own life and maybe even stepping up into a leadership position of some kind.


But stepping into this new form of power may just shake a few foundations in your life. I mean, you're not used to taking control of your power. But you will be using your power in a new way, in a way that is sensitive as well as authoritative.


And this cards looks like you're picking up the pieces of your shattered ego as someone in your life is putting the hurt on you emotionally. Don't stick your head in the ground like an ostrich. You can handle this.


Your Master Teacher is guiding you toward your true purpose in life. And this will really make your life blossom and you will be accessing star power as you connect to your galactic families.


You're standing in your power and taking charge and this creates a shake up of your life. And it all has to do with some sort of gossip behind the scenes of your life. But know that in a round about way, this is caused by your Master Teacher trying to get you to really claim your true purpose in life.