Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Midweek Reading for Feb 26

Cards in this reading are from Spiritsong Tarot & Witchlings Oracle.

0 The Traveler, Adventure, Potential
This is the Fool card. It speaks about new beginnings and taking a leap of faith and stepping out beyond a fear that is keeping you stuck in place. A new adventure awaits you.

3. The Empress, Beauty, Abundance
To me this is like the ultimate creativity card. Your imagination is fertile and you are birthing new creative concepts that will blossom very soon.

Seven of Acorns (wands), Determination stamina
This is the card of the challenge of others fighting against you and you trying to stay on top of the competition. You have worked hard to get where you are. Don't let anyone push you off the pedestal you have worked so hard for. Caught by surprise.

Four of Shells (cups) REV  Soul-searching, Re-evaluation
Since this card is reversed this is a time of introspection and retreating into your inner world. You may stay in and read or do a hobby instead of going out into the cruel world where people can judge you. This is also an opportunity to listen for answers or pay attention to the signs you may have been missing when you were too busy to notice.

11. Justice - Truth, Clarity
This is the card that says you reap what you sow. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in good faith, you have nothing to worry about. But this usually comes when an important choice needs to be made.

Oracle cards:

Wisdom - inner wisdom nurtures the skills necessary to see through all possibilities

Patience - Nurture the seeds of patience, and reap the rewards of personal achievement

Creativity - Creativity is a natural part of you that can be ignited and developed.

My Take

Something new is coming in and you will have to close your eyes and step out into whatever this challenge is. You may not know the struggles that come but trust that this new beginning will bring you something you really need in your life.  This new thing is possibly going to concern something that you find creatively fulfilling. This project will prosper and grow quickly, so be forewarned. If you venture here, whatever this is will take off like gangbusters.

As you step out into this new adventure, you will find competition from others, as you mostly likely will. Others may try to stop you from succeeding or send you into stumbling blocks. Just stay focused on your objective and you will be fine. Listen more to yourself than to others. Your opinions here really matter.

This success isn't just out of the blue. You have worked for this and deserve this so don't talk yourself out of your newfound success as this creative endeavor blossoms. To get away from the complaining masses, you may have to go into solitude and be by yourself for awhile. It will give you time to see the signs you are getting and the new opportunities that are opening up for you. An important choice is on the horizon and this new endeavor will help you make up your mind about what you want to do in the future.

Your future's so bright, I think you are gonna need some shades!

The oracle cards say you have all the inner knowledge. You are ready for this. You are the authority here and don't need the input of others. Have patience with yourself because you will get this. It may take time but this is all you right now. Your inspiration and creativity is what brings you to this new and more prosperous road. Enjoy it.


-- Toni

Monday, February 10, 2020

Week Reading for Feb 9-15

We are really in our emotions this week and need to pause, reflect and just take it all in. You will be completing an important cycle where your emotions are concerned. Things just won't get to you as much as they used to. You are refreshed and renewed. Things are just flowing for your. Even when trouble sniffs your way, you can roll with the punches. You need to really shine your light right now. Do what you do. Pursue your hobbies and interests. You will be the one others look to for inspiration. It will be important to stay near water in order to increase your intuition. You need to pay attention to all the signs and symbols the universe gives to you. Your wisdom will just be off the charts important. This would be a great time to start a new project. Out with the old and in with the new.

Cards used in this reading: Forest of Enchantment Tarot and the Everyday Witch Oracle.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Reading for week of February 2nd

Cards used in this reading are from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot, Messenger Oracle,
Archangel Animal Oracle and Oracle of the Fairies
The overall theme of the reading is positive change coming in. - The Wheel of Fortune

The fairies bring us Abundance. You need to reach for it. How appropriate is that rose color in the card. Does that say February Valentine's Day or what? An abundance of heavenly love is coming in for us right now.

The Messenger Oracle says to Be Patient and Embrace Spirit. This process of accepting heavenly love may not prove to be an easy one to accept. We need to be patient with ourselves and give ourselves a break when things don't workout as quickly as we would like them to.

The Archangel Animals are ushering in galactic transformation right now as shown in the card Butterfly. You are learning to fly. Butterflies are the symbol of moving from one state to a totally different one. Things may never be the same for you but you won't be going backwards. This is all forge ahead energy right now.

The tarot reading starts with Abundance again in the form of the Magician. He is telling us that as it is in heaven, so will it be on earth. As above, so below. He has mastered so much and he has everything he needs right before him. His skills and lessons have prepared him for this new journey forward. This card is clarified by the 8 of Wands reversed. This is usually the creatively busy card, the card of news coming in. In this instance all has already come in and you are dealing with it. You won't need to rely just on your creative wiles the universe and God really do have your back right now, as they always do. But you are seeing the proof of that right before your eyes.

The next card is Strength. Wow, right? We are abundant and now we are strong too. How cool is that? You are fueled by an inner strength and personal power that really has you in awe of how far you have come. You are overcoming fears and tackling things you might never have attempted before. And you are doing it all its this quiet, gentle strength. You've got this!

The Page of Cups reversed tells us that we may be experiencing a creative block which kind of shows up in the 8 of Wands reversed. Stunted creative inspiration. But that shouldn't hold you back. This is all an internal struggle with trusting source, spirit and your spiritual team. You may be being blocked due to the fact that a new, more important project it about to surface for you, so says the Ace of Wands. Justice reversed can say that you may not have accepted your new project or you may not have confidence that you can do it. Trust that you can. Like they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take baby steps and fake it till you make it.

Basically ...

Change is afoot. You may not like it. You may not appreciate it. But it is coming. It is pretty much at your doorstep right now. Accept it. Things won't be as bad as you think. Don't over analyze things. Accept the change. You will be able to make it work. You really do have everything you need, all the skills, you've learned all the lessons to prepare you for this moment. This change is bringing in a new project. And it will be something big. Maybe like a job change or a career change. Something like you have never done before. But it is going to be all good. Just you wait and see. All the trials you've gone through have brought you to this moment. Revel in your newfound success.