There are two different readings in this and I felt like they should be put together. I used Tarot de la Nuit in the first reading. Some people say these are almost like oracle cards in how the photos on the individual cards can be used for intuitive readings if you so choose.
Cards Used in this reading are from Tarot de la Nuit
3 of Swords (rev) / 3 of Wands
No more heartache and pain. Time to see the big picture. Be bold and stand out. Be yourself and allow yourself to shine.
7 of Pentacles (rev) / 5 of Pentacles
No more waiting. Time to move forward. Look for the secret places where you will feel safe.. Help is available when you need it.
4 of Cups (rev) / 3 of Cups (rev)
You are finally seeing the opportunities available to you. Sucess from your own efforts. You will be well off and stress free.
Angel de la Nuit (rev) / 4 of Wands
Do not be afraid. You are leaving the darkness behind. Happy times are here again
My Take
You have been in pain and now that time is over. You are able to see your great adventure laying out before your eyes. Take a look at your goals and decide what you want to accomplish. I feel like this is speaking toward this year. It is all up to you to go for your goals this year. There is no more waiting around to let the universe bring in something for you. You are creating it all by yourself and the universe is totally supporting you. There is safety and sanctuary there when you need it. You don't always have to do things by yourself but you may feel better going forward if you rely mainly on you. The opportunities are everywhere and you are finally grounded enough to notice them. The stress you have been encountering in the last few years will be lessened a great deal now. You have gone through your dark shadow of the soul period and come out successful. You can look forward to good times ahead of you. Yay!
Cards used in this reading are from the Guardian Tarot and the Energy oracle.
Death reversed
Dealing with blocked energy, integrating an important life lesson. You are getting rid of an old authority in your life. Releasing an old way of being but you are still struggling to let go.
9 of Pentacles Reversed
You question whether you are enough, worthy, whether your skills are still valuable. You are letting something get to you and it is impacting your self esteem. Let it go.
King of Swords
Symbol of power and authority. Center of reading. Your personal power is still strong despite past defeats. You have the courage and intellect to achieve your dreams and desires. Let go of the past and stand firm in your truth. You will be receiving clarity.
9 of Wands
Even in the face of adversity, you stand tall. Enduring significant challenges
7 of Pentacles / King of Wands reversed
Step back from the mundane day to day operations and see the bigger picture. Putting time and energy into long term projects is over. You have to wait for things to process and complete naturally. Decide whether you are still going in the right direction. You find yourself in a leadership position yet not sure you are ready for the challenge.
Blossoming Abundance
Man Holding a Heart (reversed)
Happy Family
Abundance, love and family are all available for you right now. You may need to open your eyes to a love that has been waiting for you.
Theme: 9 of Cups
This is the wish card. Your dreams are !manifesting and you will be emotionally satisfied.
My Take
There has been some authority in your life that you have been letting control you. Now you are pulling away from that control and taking the reins of your life from this period forward. You may be still struggling but you are moving in the right direction. Know that you are enough. You are worthy to be separated from this authority and begin to do things on your own. Your perspective is really important right now. Show others what you are made of, It will inspire them to move forward too. This is showing you that your personal power is just growing stronger and stronger right now. You will feel more in your element and feel like your projects are moving in the directions you always hoped they would go. Even when some form of chaos crops up, you can handle it now, Your emotions are so balanced that it will be hard to knock you off your horse of power right now. This is not the time for the normal routine. You have a gift, a calling that you need to let break forth into the world. Work on that right now. All the day to day stuff will just work itself out as it normally does. You are being prepared to move into a leadership role. So get ready for a big change sometime soon. The world is your oyster right now and it will be such an exciting period for you. Yay!