Cards from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot and the Queen of the Moon Oracle
8 OF COINS - You are working hard to improve your skills and become a master of what you do. Now you are applying sheer determination and concentration to master this skill. Could mean further study. Willing to pay the price to further your education.
8 OF SWORDS - REVERSED - Limiting self beliefs plague you and prevent you from moving forward. Negative self talk. You are unhappy about some aspect of your life. Feeling not good enough. The skeletons in your closet need cleaning out. Can mean releasing yourself from negative patterns. Refusing to play the role of the victim.
KNIGHT OF WANDS - Initial spark of a new idea and the pursuit of that idea. You are charged with a clear vision and fueled by passion and inspiration. Moving forward with new creative ideas.
TEN OF CUPS - REVERSED - Seeking greater harmony in your relationships but feel disconnected from a loved one. Seek out common ground with your loved ones. Open the lines of communication. Be compassionate and understanding.
SIX OF SWORDS - You are in a transition period leaving behind the familiar and known and delving into the unfamiliar and unknown. Going from chaos to calm. Could be moving house, changing jobs, going through a rite of passage. Let go of what is holding you back. Reflect on emotional and mental baggage.
Bottom of the deck: FIVE OF WANDS - Conflict and change. Everyone is fighting to be heard but no one is listening. Take time to listen to what others have to say. Brainstorming and problem solving. You may need to hear a different opinion from your own.
Oracle: PLEASURE - Are you taking life too seriously? All work and no play makes you a dull one. Time to stop stressing and just let it go! Focus on the here and now. Time to have some fun!
My Take
You are working hard at a passion but you feel limited, unhappy and not good enough. Give yourself a break. Mastery takes time. You will get an idea this week to help you move forward with this passion. You may be letting your friends or family poo-poo your passion and think it is below you or something similar to that. Sometimes you need to listen and take it all with a grain of salt but sometimes what they have to say may spur you on to a new level in what you love to do. Don’t take it all too seriously. This is supposed to be fun. Maybe it is time to just enjoy yourself instead of pressuring yourself for success.