Monday, September 30, 2019

Reading for the Week of Sept 30th

Cards from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot and the Queen of the Moon Oracle

8 OF COINS - You are working hard to improve your skills and become a master of what you do. Now you are applying sheer determination and concentration to master this skill. Could mean further study. Willing to pay the price to further your education.

8 OF SWORDS - REVERSED - Limiting self beliefs plague you and prevent you from moving forward. Negative self talk. You are unhappy about some aspect of your life. Feeling not good enough. The skeletons in your closet need cleaning out. Can mean releasing yourself from negative patterns. Refusing to play the role of the victim.

KNIGHT OF WANDS - Initial spark of a new idea and the pursuit of that idea. You are charged with a clear vision and fueled by passion and inspiration. Moving forward with new creative ideas.

TEN OF CUPS - REVERSED - Seeking greater harmony in your relationships but feel disconnected from a loved one. Seek out common ground with your loved ones. Open the lines of communication. Be compassionate and understanding. 

SIX OF SWORDS - You are in a transition period leaving behind the familiar and known and delving into the unfamiliar and unknown. Going from chaos to calm. Could be moving house, changing jobs, going through a rite of passage. Let go of what is holding you back. Reflect on emotional and mental baggage.

Bottom of the deck: FIVE OF WANDS - Conflict and change. Everyone is fighting to be heard but no one is listening. Take time to listen to what others have to say. Brainstorming and problem solving. You may need to hear a different opinion from your own.

Oracle: PLEASURE - Are you taking life too seriously? All work and no play makes you a dull one. Time to stop stressing and just let it go! Focus on the here and now. Time to have some fun!

My Take

You are working hard at a passion but you feel limited, unhappy and not good enough. Give yourself a break. Mastery takes time. You will get an idea this week to help you move forward with this passion. You may be letting your friends or family poo-poo your passion and think it is below you or something similar to that. Sometimes you need to listen and take it all with a grain of salt but sometimes what they have to say may spur you on to a new level in what you love to do. Don’t take it all too seriously. This is supposed to be fun. Maybe it is time to just enjoy yourself instead of pressuring yourself for success.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reading for Mon - Tues, September 30th & October 1st

Cards are Spiritsong Tarot and Witchlings Oracle.

Meditation, Protection and The Star

THE STAR -The Swan brings change for the better. All is possible now. Believe in yourself. You are well on your way to achieving your highest potential

MEDITATION - you need a break from the stress. Take time for self care. Get somewhere quiet and listen to music, do a walking meditation, something that will bring you a sense of calm.

PROTECTION - there is a magical security system around you right now protecting you from the psychic attacks of others. If you still feel anxious imagine that person's energy coming toward you and bouncing off like you have a invisible bubble around you.

You are shining so bright right now that the negative energies are coming out to attack you and bring you back down to their level. You are ramping up right now in vibration. Don't let them pull you down. Protect yourself by shielding out the energy of others. Go into hermit mode for a few days to find your center again.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading for Sat and Sun Sept 28 & 29

Cards used in this reading are from Ethereal Vision Tarot and the Kuan Yin Oracle.

King of Wands - Salamander means infinity and ongoing drive to move forward against all obstacles. This long is about taking ideas and getting others to help him accomplish the goal. You are stepping into the role of visionary leader. This card asks you to lead your life with intent and have a clear vision of what you need to accomplish. You will meet these goals.

Weave the Future Golden - Something good is coming your way. You are drawing to you the opportunities, synchronicities, circumstances and teachings that will assist you in teaching your goals. A future so golden is being woven into your now. If you have a secret wish in your heart to write a book, be a healer, tech or write and sing take a moment to feel how it would feel if you accomplished this goal.

You have a divine vision and a clear direction ahead of you. Your obstacles have been smashed and people are gathering to assist you. Your opportunities are opening up as if by magic. The universe really does have your back. Imagine what you most want to accomplish, focus on it daily and bring it into fruition. Now is the time. Nothing is holding you back. Go for it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reading for Thurs & Fri, Sept 26-27

Cards used in this reading are from The Crow Tarot and the Divine Circus Oracle.

Strength - gentle power as opposed to brute force. She is aware of how she fits into the grand scheme of things. The need to create balance between our spiritual and physical self.

Confetti - it is time to be a party person and find the celebratory spirit within. Time to be more playful and not so serious. Think outside the box.

Everything you have been through has led you to this place. You have conquered the chaos and crazy times and have learned not to react with such a growl. You are focused and blossoming. This leads to a time of celebration. People see your bright and shining light. You have turned a corner and now have discovered a new and fun path you didn't think was possible in this world. Time to enjoy yourself more.

Reading for Tuesday-Wednesday 24-25 September

Cards are from the Tarot of the Vampyres and the Halloween Oracle.

The Three of Grails is about celebration with friends and family. They are here to support you. The Halloween Oracle card is called The Veil. This is telling us that the divide between us and the spirit world is getting thinner and thinner as it does toward the Halloween season. 

To me this says that since the veil is so thin between us and a the spirit world that our friends and family that have crossed over are giving us guidance that we can hear and understand at this time. Listen up because they have something important to tell you!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Energy reading for the Week of Sept 23rd

Cards used in this reading are from Minoan Tarot and Herbal Healing Oracle.

NETTLE - RECEIVING -there is a lot of abundance in all forms available to you right now. Be patient and grateful. Count your blessings. 

ELDER - ANCIENT WISDOM - the magic of the world is opening to you. The divine source is downloading information into you that you might require later. 

POISON IVY -CAUTION - this is a warning asking you to pay attention to the signs around you.

6 OF LABRYSES ( Swords) going from the darkness to the light, from chaos to calm. 

MAID OF DAGGERS (Wands) this page ushers in the youthful type of creativity and out of the box thinking. Brainstorming and ideas abound. 

LORD OF DAGGERS ( Wands) This knight takes action on his creativity in the world. Shine your creative light. 

TEN OF HORNS (Pentacles) career and health in abundance. You are doing well financially, whatever that means to you. 

Bottom of the deck : 8 OF HORNS (Pentacles) This reading has to do with your career or whatever creative thing you do in the world

My Take:

There is a lot of abundance coming in for you this week in the form of divine inspiration and downloads that will give you those ah-ha moments of creative excitement. But be warned, there is also a caution put forth to you. You must pay attention to the signs God is showing you. You might need to zig-zag around a bit of chaos before you find your calm place in the week. Your creativity is flying high. You are both inspired and taking action on your passions which is pretty cool. It will bring you an abundance of blessings later in the week. Sounds like a great week to dust off those old projects you need to complete and get off your plate.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Energy Forecast for Wed 9-18

Cards used in this reading are from the Fairy Lights Tarot.

8 OF WANDS - REVERSED -you are charging ahead with an idea or plan but need to slow down and consider your next steps.

EMPEROR - REVERSED - You need to look at your relationship with power,control and authority. Are you letting someone control you? People are looking to you as a leader but you are shying away.

DEVIL - REVERSED - you are on the verge of a breakthrough or an upleveling. You are being called to your highest ootential. Confronting inner fears and turmoil.

Bottom of deck 5 OF CUPS - REVERSED - Blaming yourself for mistakes you've made. Suffered a personal setback. Let go of what does not serve you emotionally.

My Take

You feel like you have made a mistake but you did the exact opposite. You stood up to someone who controlled you. You will have time to think about this and how to continue to protect yourself emotionally. You are making a breakthrough and are conquering your fears of being a leader in your life. Keep looking on the bright side and following your guidance. God and spirit really do have your back.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Energy Reading for Monday 9-16

Cards used in this reading is from the Universal Waite Tarot, Animal Spirit Oracle and the Psychic Tarot

4 OF CUPS reversed - There are still opportunities but you are indeed paying attention to them.  You care, you aren't ambivalent about it. 

STRENGTH -a higher level of consciousness allows you to take care of yourself. Your strength comes from an inner reserve of peace and calmness. you are able to soothe frayed emotions. 

PAGE OF SWORDS reversed - You are all talk and no action. You are holding back from expressing your truth.  The truth is making you feel insecure. Let go of fear and shout your message from the rooftops. 

EIGHT OF WANDS  very busy, creative excitement. Lots of balls in the air. News from afar. Messages coming in

KING OF CUPS reversed - your feelings are easily hurt. Man hurting you or taking advantage of you in some way.  Focusing your attentions on your inner most feelings. 

THE WORLD reversed - The completion you are looking for will take longer than you'd like. An end of a cycle that hasn't completely opened up. 

PIG SPIRIT reversed - use your mind wisely
You are letting your thoughts run round and round in your head. You have done nothing about them. Make a decision. 

SPIDER SPIRIT - make your dreams real
Take a single step forward to make your dreams a reality. The universe supports your dream-weaving. 

ANTELOPE SPIRIT. Life is speeding up. It is time to get moving and make your plans real. 

Bottom of the deck (theme) creativity, nurturing new ideas, caring about others and the earth. Earth mother. 

I asked for more insight on the truth in the page of swords. 

8 of wands - actions are moving quickly in the direction of your goals. 

11 - Balance - Justice card - what is happening is an externalization of an inner process. Need for balance and harmony. You reap what you sow. 

16-Disruption -the Tower - a sudden unforeseen change is about to shake up your life.  

My take:

Opportunities are coming in and they will build your confidence. But you have been holding back in some way and not giving 100 percent. You are being prompted to shout your truth from the rooftops. 

The truth will happen quickly and cause more balance in your life by creating a sudden and harsh change.

Monday will be surprisingly busy. Your creativity is as a peak. You are focusing on your inner most truth due to someone hurting your feelings or taking advantage of your kindness. It may take time to move past this. 

You need to watch your thoughts and let your friends, family and co-workers help you. But you need to take the first step toward your healing. 

But be aware that the plans and goals will come forward quickly. Focus on how you are creative in the world. Do what nurtures and fulfills you. 

Once the acceleration starts you will need to keep your balance and ground yourself. Add some boundaries. Don't be surprised when a huge change and shakes up your world. 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Energy Forecast for the Week of September 16-22 (Video)

Hey, Peeps! Check out my new weekly reading for this week over on my YouTube channel.


Let me know what you think by commenting on the video or leaving a message down below.

Cards used in this reading are from the Universal Waite Tarot and the Queen of the Moon Oracle Cards.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Energy Forecast for Sun 9-15


Cards used in this deck are the Green Witch Tarot and The Spirit Animal Oracle.

KNIGHT OF WANDS reversed - you are pursuing a passion project. A fire has been lit inside you. You have no intention of turning it into a success. It is something for you to enjoy and channel your energy into.

4 - THE HORNED GOD (THE EMPEROR ) He is the father, the boss, the man in charge. He holds the ankh the symbol of life and the world which translates to ruling over the world. He is protected from threat and has the wisdom of age behind him. He is resistant to making change unless it is necessary. He is more might than creativity. More logic than going with the flow in intuition.

TWO OF WANDS reversed - Here we draw our attention inward. Consider what is truly important to you right now. Where do you really want to go when no one else is directing your thoughts? Go there. You have a fruitful idea and are at a crossroads about where to take it.

ACE OF CUPS reversed - This is about having love for yourself. Before sending love out into the world you must give it to yourself first. You are in connection with your subconscious mind and it is revealing an inner truth to you that you have somehow overlooked until now.

21 - THE WORLD TREE (THE WORLD) - Fulfillment, completion, a cycle ends. You are glowing with a sense of achievement. You have finally accomplished something and and ready to move on. If you have not reached this point of completion then you are very close.
KOALA SPIRIT - spirit has a plan
Take your time. Trust that moving slowly forward in faith that abundance will show up since it is everywhere at all times. Trust in the plan Spirit has for you.

LION SPIRIT reversed - be generous of spirit
Are you stuck in a state of scarcity thinking? The antidote for low self esteem is stepping into healthy pride. The Great Spirit is invested in you. You are a channel of Spirit's love and generosity. The spark of the Great Spirit lives in you and you are a steward of this amazing energy and give it out to the world.

WOLF SPIRIT - turn knowledge into wisdom
You are truly in alignment with your destiny. The universe and spirit have your back.

Bottom of the deck : FIVE OF PENTACLES reverse - This indicates an end to difficult times. You may find new sources of income, a new job. You may be struggling to cope with inner spiritual poverty. As if something is missing you just can’t put your finger on. You may also see a way out of some financial hardship.

SPIDER SPIRIT reverse - make your dreams real
What are you creating? Whatever it is, you have to move forward with it and take action toward creating it. Spirit can’t do it on its own. You must put forth the effort too. Can speak of networking when upright and maybe more spiritual connection with God reversed. Inner work.

My Take:

You are stepping up and becoming outspoken about some project that means a lot to you. Right now you are more focused on the tangible parts of it than the inspiration or creativity. But you are making this more of a priority now. You are creating this project because you are finally realizing that you need to do what is important to you instead of what everyone else wants. You are coming to a point where you will stop overthinking this project and really dive into the meat of it. The creative aspect. Get to work on that as soon as possible. The inner you is dying to get out and express itself.

Remember that Spirit/God has a plan for your life. Trust that God knows what he is doing. Now is the time to reach for those things you have been too scared to attempt. The spark of the divine resides in you and will spill out during the creation of this project. God has big plans for this to help his people grow. You are truly in alignment with what God wants and are listening to his whispers to you.

Overall this is an ending. Difficult times are over and new abundance is coming in ... in a big way. But you have to do the work to make this happen. God can't do it on his own. We are his hands in this world.  Get to building that dream now! Good luck!

Energy Forecast for Sat 9-14

Cards used in this reading are from the Everyday Witch Tarot and Everyday Witch Oracle.

KING OF PENTACLES reversed - You come into the weekend not feeling as secure as you h ave in the past. You are being stubborn. You may not be a good steward of your money right now and need to take a moment to make sure you are spending it on the right things.

THE SUN - 19 - Happiness, contentment and a positive sign. Take time to enjoy the good moments of life. This energy will get you smoothly through the tough times.

NINE OF CUPS - Wow. Look at all that fulfillment around you. You have achieved what you hoped or soon will achieve it. Good fortune lies in wait for you.

TEN OF PENTACLES - Family. Legacy. This is about getting what you want and reveling in it. Happily ever after. The good life. The American dream.

9 OF PENTACLES - Current success or success soon to come. Don’t always keep yourself apart from others. You have worked hard to create abundance in your life. You can now finally enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Bottom of the deck (theme): ACE OF SWORDS reversed -  A new breakthrough is emerging for you from within you. But you don’t want to share it just yet. You may also seek greater clarity about whether this is something you want to create fully. Card can mean clouded judgement. You might be trusting the wrong person. Be careful with your thinking. You are missing relevant information. Seek out the truth of the situation first.
Jumping card (immediate energy): EIGHT OF PENTACLES - Something happening quickly. Lots of creative energy. You are very busy. News from afar. You have stirred up conflict without realizing it while you are in your creative power. Others have noticed and have taken action because of it.

PLANT THE SEEDS - Time to start something new. Plant seeds for future growth in your life. This is a nudge to finally take the first step toward something.

INSPIRATION & COURAGE You either need inspiration or courage right now. You may discover you have a core of inner strength that you didn’t realize was inside you. Ask for help with whatever you need right now.

My Take:

You have been given something, an idea, money, something and have not used it for what Spirit/God had in mind for it. You are being encouraged to utilize it now in the correct way. It will bring in a time of happiness and abundance which will get you through the tough times ahead. The fruits of your labor are everywhere you look. Life is good and fulfillment is apparent in everything you do. It brings you that sense of legacy and something that lives well beyond your own time on this earth. And this has come through hard work on your part. You only need to plant the seeds of this now and have the courage to pursue it. It’s all gong to happen pretty quickly so don’t be surprised when this comes to you out of nowhere.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Energy Reading for Friday 9-13 FULL MOON - Friday the 13th.

Tarot of the Night cards

Cards used in this deck are from the Queen of the Moon Oracle and the Tarot of the Night

ATTRACTION - SUPER MOON - You are quite attractive right now. Things that draw close to you are coming to you like a magnet. So try and keep your ideas and vibration high so the things you draw in are the things you really want showing up in your life

PAGE OF CUPS - you have a lot to learn emotionally, maybe you are unsure of your emotions and are not acting on them. Asking you to be more child-like, have freedom and play more.

HUNGER - WOLF MOON - This is a warning to stay on the moral path. Don’t resort to anything underhanded to get what you desire or you could find more loss than gain.

KNIGHT OF WANDS reversed - Something is holding you back from taking action on your creations and passions. Dig out what that block is and bust through it. Time to move forward.

Queen of the Moon Oracle cards.

DARKNESS - LONG NIGHT MOON - You are about to go through a period of solitude and do inner work. Dark night of the soul stuff. Face suppressed emotions and come out transformed

7 OF WANDS - What’s with all the haters around? You are forced to stand your ground and stand up for yourself. You are so good and bright that the dark forces are sending in their minions to take you down. Don’t succumb. You are a bright light in a dark world.

PEACE - WANING CRESCENT Time to bring some tranquility into your life. Step away from the drama and conflict that is consuming y our life right now. Time to be centered and grounded.

4 OF CUPS reversed - Ideas and opportunities you had previously overlooked are coming up again for a reexamination. You are noticing things you had previously skirted over.

BEGINNING - NEW MOON - The universe is offering you a new start. This moon is a symbol of renewal. New opportunities fore heath, romance and finances. Time to take a risk and step out in faith in some way.

6 OF SWORDS REVERSED - You are definitely moving toward a more calm time but it is taking you time to navigate the rapids, so to speak. But don’t worry. You will get there. Give yourself more time to work through things.

Bottom of deck (theme) 6 OF WANDS reversed - Don’t become fearful because your success and cheers of victory aren’t coming in as quickly as you’d like. Success is a process. And certain things out of your control need to work themselves out first. But success will come.

My Take

You have a lot to learn but you can move into your time of faith and freedom once you pour yourself into having more fun. You are attracting something into your life. And all the haters are out because of it. But something is holding you back. Maybe you are letting the haters get to you. These haters are something you need to vanquish from your life before you can move forward. Stand in your power and shine. Find that place of peace inside you and the opportunities you seek will be attracted to you more quickly. You will make your way through the troubles. A new beginning is on the horizon for you and it will be something right in your wheelhouse that will renew and sustain you for years to come.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Energy Forecast for 9-12 Thurs.

Cards in this reading are from the Ostara Tarit and the Archangel Metatron Oracle

9 OF SWORDS reversed - The end of inner struggle. No more thoughts that torture you.

THE TOWER reversed - Sudden change but not as drastic as it could have been. Lightening moment of ah-ha coming in.

KNIGHT OF WANDS  reversed - There is a delay on taking action on your ideas and passions.

Bottom of the deck (theme) KING OF CUPS reversed - The mastery of your fulfillment is delayed. Overwhelm possible.

AIR - FLY FREE - Set your sights higher. Sense of freedom. The only ceiling for you are those limits you impose on yourself.

JOY & HAPPINESS _ Need to reach out to others, personal power, empowerment after a storm, focus on the good and refreshing. Stop being so serious about everything.

ORANGE - CONNECTION & ATTUNEMENT- Connection to Metatron. Listen to his guidance. Enlightenment, ascension journey smooths your path, awaken and shine, listen, be present, permission to play, own your own divinity, reminds you of the higher truth of your soul.

My Take:

You have finally gotten control of your thoughts and it causes a sudden change in your life. You won’t  be the same after this. You have been afraid to show your passions and fire inside you. You feel it won’t be accepted by others. But you need to focus on your destiny. Fly free and know there are no limits for you. Follow your joy and know you are being divinely guided in your higher truth. You are connected to your divine source.