Friday, August 26, 2016

Fractured Focus and Magical Manifesting

Fractured Focus and Magical Manifesting

I have noticed in the last few days how hard it has been to focus and finding that when I want to focus on one thing, something else seems to come out of nowhere to take my attention. I have had to take extra steps to make sure that I am single-focused when I am doing anything. I find I tend to multi-task when doing anything, especially at work. 

Multi-tasking has been celebrated by people everywhere that they got more done than they did the day before because they did more than one thing at a time. Right now I am listening to the audiobook, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor as I am writing this. It is hard to focus when I am multi-tasking.

I have to make a side note here, I keep typing AI and I AM over and over and I find that quite telling. Maybe our focus is being fractured by AI aspects of the matrix that we call the real world. They don’t want us to focus on what we want. They want us to focus on what ‘they’ want. Because it is in the focusing where all the power lies. We are magical manifestors. Haven’t you noticed? Take time to take notice.

Let me give you an example.

I had not been cross stitching for months and I had no motivation to stitch either. But I knew I wanted to. But nothing seemed to be able to motivate me onward toward my goal of getting may projects done. Then I discovered the groups on Facebook all centered on Cross Stitch. Everyone was taking about their projects, their WIPS, and as the days went on, I wanted to focus on my WIPS too. (WIP=Works In Progress)

Then I realized that stitchers were making Youtube videos. On Youtube they call their group: Flosstube. I had previously watched video after video of BookTube videos and found myself reading over 150 books that year. I even read 29 books in one month too. 

The lightbulb came on in my head. Focus. It’s all about focus. When I focus on what I love, what I love expands. The same happened with Flosstube. When I focused on these videos, my want of cross stitching grew by leaps and bounds. And the more I watched, scoured the Facebook groups… the more I wanted to work on my own projects. My WIP pile grew from 3 projects to 15. I even completed 16 projects in 2015 which was a ton more than the one or two from previous years.

So, the power is in your focus. Don’t let the AI of the matrix, the “they” powers of this world keep you from focusing in what is important to you.

There was a video I watched not too long ago called the Miracle Morning routine. I think the man who created it was named Hal Elrod. He found that the way to make a great day was to do certain things first thing in the morning.

Here is his way of magical focusing:

S: Silence. Take time to pray or just be silent for a certain period when you first wake up.

A: Affirmations. Create affirmations that will bring your focus on what you want to manifest. Want peace? Make peace affirmations. Want love? Make love affirmations. But word them as if they are already in your life.

V. Visualization. Take those affirmations and make them into magical daydreams where everything in your world goes right. Have you noticed that we all seem to visualize on the fear in our lives? That only make TPTB more powerful. They feed on fear. Focus what you love and bring love into your life instead of the fear.

E. Exercise. Get the blood pumping and make all those chemicals in your brain flood your body with the feel good you deserve.

R. Reading. Read a book, a blog, a note about what you love, what you want to bring into your life.

S. Scribing. This is journaling. Take time to put pen to paper and speak of what great things happened in your day or in what good will happen in your day. A life worth living is worth recording.

Do a search of videos on Youtube about the Miracle Morning. And see how this is revolutionizing people’s lives. When we focus on what we want, what we love, what we deserve instead of what we fear, we are made new.

Stop fracturing your focus and instead create a magical life. 


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cloud Reading

Cloud reading
The clouds were really shape shifting today. Here are the images I saw:
- two horses crashing into each other head on
- submarine
- rider on a horse or dragon rearing up as if charging
Could be a day of conflicting emotions or just conflict with others. Today may be a day to keep a low profile and keep your opinions undercover and to yourself. Keep it until a time when your ideas would be more readily accepted and embraced. You will be moving forward in some way that will break through barriers you've previously put in place.