Friday, March 4, 2016

Card of the Day - 3/4

Card of the Day 3-4

Cards pulled from the Victorian Fairy Tarot and the Mermaid Oracle:

6 of Summer 
The Empress

Today is a time of reminiscing and looking back, reflecting on situations or people that have affected us in the past. New ideas may flow from this pondering but don't stay there too long for fear of getting stuck. Some ideas may latch onto you that stick with you. These were ideas not totally grown back then but now you can give them new life. There also may be something in the past that you yearn for, maybe something that you needed closure on but never got it. It may be time to let something go that you have been reluctant to give up. This "thing" is holding you back. Have the strength to move on and focus on those new ideas that are inspiring you right now.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Card of the Day - 3-3

Thursday 3-3 cards

10 of Winter from the Victorian Fairy Tarot 
Just Do It from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels

Signs point to you avoiding something big, something you may fear. The other day I watched a video about  how it is in those things we fear where we find our breakthroughs. Since the tarot card is a reflection of "winter" we may be feeling a bit stuck in place, frozen over, if you will.

The angels have been working with us on this fearful situation and helping us overcome it, breakthrough it or let it go. Stay on your present course. You are on the right path, even if sometimes it feels otherwise. Don't walk away from your success right before it happens and blossoms in your life.

Spring Tarot Oracle Challenge 2016


Instagram Challenge
Created by @blessedB333, @cherisehealingmoon, @crafts_and_coffee, @dacorpita, @veronicaanab & @drearhiannon

1. What new ideas should I give birth to this month?
2. How can I help others grow and shine?
3. How can I help myself grow spiritually?
4. In what area of my life should i plant my roots right now?
5. What am I reaching toward?
6. What do I need to protect or nourish?
7. In what ways am I completely myself, unique?
8. What can I do to enhance and grow my unique qualities?
9. How can my unique qualities help me grow right now?
10. How can my unique qualities help others?
11. In what areas of my life do I need to grow but resist?
12. What archetypes can help me grow in those areas?
13. What activities can I embrace to help me flourish?
14. What gives me strength and personal power?
15. What takes my power and strength away?
16. What's the best way to ground myself
17. What's the best way to for me to reach out and connect with the Divine?
18. What needs to be replanted in my life?
19. What needs to be weeded out?
20. What fruits have my ancestors passed onto me?
21. What season of growth phase am I in?
22. When is my blossoming season?
23. What am I nesting, or lives inside me? (Spirit animal/Totem/Companion)
24. Which Goddess wants to be my Matron for this period of growth?
25. What is my highest potential for growth this month?
26. What is my sun, or my greatest motivator?
27. What is my rain, or my greatest resource?
28. What is my wind, or my greatest adversary?
29. What is my soil or my greatest solidifier?
30. What cycles do I need to end at this time?
31. What cycles do I need to begin?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Card of the Day

Today I pulled the 8 of Swords from the Wizard's Tarot

To me, this makes me ask myself:
What am I not seeing?
How am I keeping myself in a situation I can easily get out of?
Am I running around in circles with no completion, no closure? Make your own closure today and then be okay with all that. 

Don't over think things and be nice to yourself. When we aren't seeing things, we are maybe closing our eyes to something really important that we truly need to see. Be Brave today! See what you fear.

I watched a video today that said that it is that thing you fear to do in your life that is something that will really push you forward on your path. Don't be afraid to do that thing you fear. Is it public speaking? Talking to that one person you really fancy? Take that risk today and go for it.

I see red and yellow as being important colors today. Red is all about stability and grounding but also about fiery impulses and passion. Yellow is about personal power and clarity. Together they make orange which is about creativity. So, go for it and get more clarity on those passions you love. Maybe that fear we spoke of earlier has to do with this passion.

Be true to your creative impulses. You will be okay when all this works out. The process has already started. Remember everything is always for your good & the good of your soul. Take more time to reflect on things. It's not okay to be constantly busy.

The shadow card was the 4 of Swords which is about resting and relaxing and knowing when it is important to do that. And today's numbers equal a 4 which is about stability, firm foundations and rest. It's okay to slow down in order to really grasp what you need to know and truly dig into that creative thing you are so passionate about this week.