Instagram Challenge
Created by @blessedB333, @cherisehealingmoon, @crafts_and_coffee, @dacorpita, @veronicaanab & @drearhiannon
1. What new ideas should I give birth to this month?
2. How can I help others grow and shine?
3. How can I help myself grow spiritually?
4. In what area of my life should i plant my roots right now?
5. What am I reaching toward?
6. What do I need to protect or nourish?
7. In what ways am I completely myself, unique?
8. What can I do to enhance and grow my unique qualities?
9. How can my unique qualities help me grow right now?
10. How can my unique qualities help others?
11. In what areas of my life do I need to grow but resist?
12. What archetypes can help me grow in those areas?
13. What activities can I embrace to help me flourish?
14. What gives me strength and personal power?
15. What takes my power and strength away?
16. What's the best way to ground myself
17. What's the best way to for me to reach out and connect with the Divine?
18. What needs to be replanted in my life?
19. What needs to be weeded out?
20. What fruits have my ancestors passed onto me?
21. What season of growth phase am I in?
22. When is my blossoming season?
23. What am I nesting, or lives inside me? (Spirit animal/Totem/Companion)
24. Which Goddess wants to be my Matron for this period of growth?
25. What is my highest potential for growth this month?
26. What is my sun, or my greatest motivator?
27. What is my rain, or my greatest resource?
28. What is my wind, or my greatest adversary?
29. What is my soil or my greatest solidifier?
30. What cycles do I need to end at this time?
31. What cycles do I need to begin?