Monday, September 21, 2015

October Astro Scope Elemental Tidbits

Welcome to the second Astro Elemental reading for the month of October. I hope you enjoy these scopes. Let me know what you think.

FIRE: (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

Eight of Wands, Ace of Wands and Miracle Healing

We are sending out a lot of wonderful creative ideas. Things are happening and you have a lot of balls in the air. God is asking you to trust in him, reach for him. Your mind is very scattered and he wants to heal you and help you focus on that one creative venture that you really need to focus on. You will have a tendency to go into overwhelm. When that happens, ask God, your angels and your team help you to focus on only the top priorities in that moment. Make a To Do list and only do one thing at a time. And you will discover by doing this more peace of mind this October.


WATER: (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Queen of Wands, 7 of Swords, Inner Power

You are ready for the big show, some big decision in your life, but something is holding you back. Maybe people are talking about you behind your back and you hear it and it discourages you. But something is stealing your joy,. It is all a mental thing. The fairies tell  you that it is time to forget the nay-sayers and stand in your true power. People wouldn't be talking about you if they didn't see a spark of greatness there. You make others feel insecure when you do move forward with grace and courage. They, themselves, want to do that and only criticize to bring  you back down to their level. Don't listen to them. Shine your light anyway and move forward beyond their negative reach. Could mean finding a new job, new experience and leaving the old behind.


EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

The Lovers, Page of Wands, Awakening Your True Self

It feels like you have been living under a dark cloud for a long time. But this month the clouds will part and you will see the light. You begin to feel like your old self again. Your energy returns and you are motivated to do those things you love. And as you pull yourself out of this cloudy time, you are helping others as well. You are quite an inspiration this month. You show people that it is never too late to live again. It is never too late to follow your dreams. You are blossoming in so many ways you may not recognize the old you or old patterns because you have moved on to such great things. Angels surround you and bless you this month. You are unstoppable.


AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

The Emperor, 9 of Pentacles & Magic of Nature

You could do with a good dose of Mother Nature's healing power. You have been around too many electronics, computers, cell phones, etc and it is pulling you down vibrationally. You will be asked to step up into a place of authority in October and you need to be completely fueled with nature's goodness to tackle this situation. It may also mean to eat a more nutritious diet of fruits and vegetables so you are fueled for success. Great doors are opening for you. You may receive messages of great insight and wisdom this month. Watch for them. Should prove to be a great month for you.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Energies of the week of Sept. 7th

I pulled some cards this weekend about what is happening on each day of the week this week. 

Check it out.

Energy Readings for Week of Sept. 7

Day 1 ~ Mon the 7th of Sept.

6 of Cups / Page of Pentacles / Death

Something from the past comes back to give you a message about a new beginning that is coming forward for you. Use your intuition to review things in  your world that could trigger change.

Day 2 ~ Tues the 8th of Sept.

The Star / The Hermit / 5 of Cups

We've come to a crossroads. What intention do you want to set here? Ask Hecate for assistance if you are perplexed. You will be guided internally to begin focusing on only those things you need to be concentrating on at this time.

Day 3 ~ Wed the 9th of Sept.

The Emperor / The Devil / Knight of Pentacles

It's a day to stand in your authority against those who are trying to control you. It is a time for boundaries. You will want to move forward now with the messages you received on Monday

Day 4 ~ Thurs the 10th of Sept.

8 of Swords / Hierophant / 6 of Pentacles

You are resisting giving  to people who think so highly of themselves. They sit back while you work. Shadow card shows you walking away from something this week. You have the ability to detach yourself from these fears and move to a better place, an environment filled with gratitude

Day 5 ~ Fri the 11th of Sept.

9 of Cups / 7 of Cups / 4 of Swords

In your time of meditation focus on what most appeals to you in life,  your big dream. And realize it can truly come true if you so desire.

Day 6 ~ Sat the 12th

8 of Wands / Wheel of Fortune / Queen of Wands

Lots of creative energy today causes change that gives you are clarity. Focus on the light.

Day 7 ~ Sun the 13th of Sept.

Queen of Swords / 2 of Swords / Knight of Swords

It's an idea day. It's time to nurture those ideas and make a decision about what to focus on and take action on.