Colorific Energies of Aug. 15
Burgundy ~
Wine, plum, blood, blood of Christ, life blood, dizzy, cheers, bubbles, flowing gown, walking down a staircase. Princess, be in your power, allow power to be yours.
I think this speaks of the energy of Christ is coming down to earth now into a realm where we can actually grasp it much easier. And it will be in a form we enjoy or that is celebratory.
Kool-aid, don't drink the kool-aid, be in your own unique power. Swirl, lick, taste, sweet, tart, sweetheart. Full heart. full of love, heart of love, rain down love in burgundy pink waves.
Don't conform to the perils of this world but instead seek what you desire from inside your own heart.
Pink ~
Archangel Chamuel. Pink heart bubbles, children playing with bubbles, play time, tutus, spinning, magic wand. Ta da! Abracadabra! Having what you want but you have to ask for it, reach for it.
It is a time of play and celebration. We have achieved so much in really such a short amount of time. Be good to yourselves and don't let the man get you down. You deserve all the good that is coming your way and even more.
Bubble gum, enjoy, relax, get away, blow a bubble, bubble of burgundy and pink energy used for healing. Send it to those who resonate with it. Send it to yourself. Passion ignited. pulling in power, dissolving of contracts, drawing in lost pieces of your soul. High heart. Flowers, lotus, open up, don't drown, drowning in emotions. Pull in healing floral energy. Fairies, elementals, dancing, play, lips, kiss, sensual, sacral. Hot, hot, hot. Hot flash, heated up, wrap it around you, erotic, haze of vision. Don't focus, feel. Experience a rush of emotions. Shout, cry, release. Sigh, relief. New energy coming in, old going out. Embrace it, experience it while it is still here so it can be released from your system. Open your arms to it. Exciting you, stimulating you, new type of release. More. Again. Touching, fingers sweeping.
Rooster visits the reading again. Leader, strut your stuff, wake up, time to move on.
Cornflower blue, wheat & cyan ~
Bursting forth with communication, segments create a full whole, baby steps, baby blue, powder blue, talc. It's a boy, party, birthday, balloons. Up, up and away. Keep talking, happy talk. Talk about thing you like to do.
Saw a sign in my 3rd eye - okay gesture. It's okay. Rooster, wake up to thinking more positively. Stretch, new morning. good morning. Blue skies, clear skies, horizon.
Green ~
Lush, nature, healing, grounding, The Green Man. Coming more in tune with nature, turn off your tv and live life, be free, turn off your electronics and wifi. Clear the air. The pulses that come from them are not healing. White noise, ocean sounds, rain sounds, soothing sounds lead to soothing thoughts. Create, bake, do things you love, organize, feng shui, spring clean,move the energy around in stagnant places. Take a drive. Rose quartz, flea market, crystal skull. Knowledge coming in that is healing.
Garden, growing, healing, comforting, getting together with friends, breathe, be still, dead ends will always have a creative solution like branches of two trees touching each other. You must trust. You might not know the outlet until it is presented to you. Trust and jump. You will be caught. Reaching, sticking to things, moss, north, true north, north star, guiding light.
Purple ~
Plum, juicy, spiritually creative, leaders, royalty, people in charge, higher mind, reaching out, touching branches, sharing energy with green. Be still and receive a spiritual awakening. Meditate.
As we meditate and come more in tune with nature we will become more leader-like. Embrace the nurturing energy. You will bring people toward their true north and they will see and reach for their ultimate truth.
I hope this reading helps and you get something out of it.