Friday, August 21, 2015

Energies of Aug 21, 2015

I have discovered this new Astrology lady on YouTube named Annette Klein. You totally need to check her out. She does readings based not only on the astro aspects but how that related to what it is doing to the energy and how that related to your day. Her channel is called Annette's Astrology Corner. Search for Annette Klein in the search bar. 

Here is her reading for Aug. 21:

Back to the reading. 

Annette says we have a lot of challenging aspects today. I woke up hearing the words Global Stabilization and Yod (there is a Yod today in the astrology)

The card I pulled for the day is the 5 of Cups. You will have the tendancy to want to focus on the bad things, the negative things in your world. You have a choice. Don't succumb to past emotional patterns. Take the higher ground. Thaw those frazeled emotions by changing your focus. Listen to uplifting music you love or maybe classical to help you over the hump of this challenging day. 

These energies are happening for a reason. It is pushing us forward and sometimes going into unknown territory is scary. But the road ahead is so bright. This fall season will bring us do much abundance, success and happiness. Focus on that instead of what always seems to trigger you. 

I love you all so much. Have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

September Astrology Elemental Tidbit Forecast

September Astrology Elemental Tidbit Forecast

FIRE (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

Strength & High Priestess of Water

This is a time of change. Go with the flow and come to any obstacle with a gentle strength. There is no need to strong-arm to get what you want. Opportunities will present themselves out of the blue. The branches of your tree of life will brush with another bringing a new person in your life. You are coming out of a time of darkness. Remember to focus on the light.

WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Heirophant & Ace of Cups

This is a time to learn new things. And like the Fool in the tarot it is time to take a step toward a new journey, toward becoming a spiritual teacher. You have people looking toward you for guidance. New relationships come forward. In the friends department your cup overflows. Or it may signify a new romantic relationship coming in that resonates with your spiritual beliefs. Have faith and begin this new journey.

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

6 of Swords & Summon

It is time to get in touch with your own inner magic. It is time to go within and look for guidance there. You know what to do. Acknowledge how the sacred is infused in everything... even you. You are coming out of a time of chaos and will now find a new peace and beauty infusing your life. Go with the flow. Blue skies are ahead.

AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Lust & 8 of Coins

There is a fine line between desire and full blown obsession. Move cautiously forward and keep your intentions on the good side of positive. This i time time when the dark side could enthrall you. The Eight of Pentacles is about being really focused n your job. This could be a time you go overboard into full blown workaholism. Try to conjure only positive things in your magic bowl. if you don't,  you might find you've fallen into the deep the are struggling to keep your head above water.

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Index Card Gypsy Lenormand Deck draw for the Week of Aug. 17

Just a bit of background here. I made a Gypsy Lenormand out of index cards back when I did not have a deck and really didn't understand the whole concept. And in fact, I made two decks of them. Then as time went on, I added all sorts of images and concepts to the deck and now it is pretty much a double deck and having so many index cards in it makes it really easy to shuffle. So, I hope you enjoy this reading.

The above images are not the actual index Lenormand cards. I made them up in photoshop just for this reading.

Now... onto the reading...

In order to overcome obstacles you need to clear your space of negativity. And if you clear enough of the much you can truly find your hearts desire. You will have success in overcoming this obstacle which presents itself as a corporate institution or your place of employment. You need to get out of this emotional attachment. Sing and go with the flow and success will be yours.

When I cut the deck I got the Broken Glass card
Shadow card was: Ring (commitments)
To me these both mean BROKEN COMMITMENTS

So be aware of these energies this week.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

COLORIFIC Energies of Aug 17


Milk Chocolate ~
Yummy, creamy, soothing, feel good, stress relieving, grounding, chill, chill out, be free. Stuck in the mud, slow down, energy cooling off, relief, thankful, grateful, dirty, mess.  It's okay to be messy. You don't have to be perfect. Brain dump, get the information out on the table so you can visibly see it all before making a decision. Don't rush into things. It's not time for that

Caramel ~
Sticky, fingerprints, salty, adding spice to life. Whatever sticks to you is something you need to pay attention to. Smooth, leather, supple, flexible, bendable, flexible. If something comes into your life be flexible and see if it resonates and fits you. This is not a week of rejection but integration. Adding caramel to milk chocolate and both to ice cream (Icy situation) you slow down to enjoy the new things that arrive in your life no matter how spicy. You are allowed to enjoy your life and if you don't think you are, give yourself permission to live, experience and have a joyful life. 

Pink Cotton Candy~
Super light pink. This color is nearly white, like a blush of color, something barely there. White is innocence, divine. Blushing is emotions stirring that are private but have been put out into the public. I feel this related to the other colors by being gentle with yourself. Let the experience come in slowly because if you go into overwhelm you may take ten steps backward and go into hiding for another year. There is no need to rush. Take as much time as you need. There is no winner in this race. Those who arrive at your intended target faster aren't smarter or better than you. They are on their own journey competing with only themselves and their own minds. 


1). You don't need to be perfect

2). Leave your sticky fingerprints of experience wherever you go

3). That trail will help to lead others to the light even when you are long gone

4). Be gentle with yourself. Be flexible Don't scare yourself. And know you are loved beyond measure


Saturday, August 15, 2015

September 2015 Energies Reading

September 2015 Energies

The Angels' message for this month is a good one. "YOU DESERVE THE BEST. Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires and don't compromise."

I find this quite telling considering I also pulled The Star card in the tarot draw. 

The message says that you may have settled for less than what you wanted in the past but no more. Moving forward follow your bliss and creative inspirations. The Angels ask for you to call on them so they can help you can gather all of the tools you need. 

God and the angels want you to enjoy your life. Happiness is mandatory and not an option any longer. 

If last month taught you anything, it was in order to get what you want you need to plan for it and intend it. And that is surely paying off in September. Write down these desires and you are more likely to accomplish them. Allow that creativity to flow. Be open to asking for help if you need it. And know there is a mentor waiting in the wings to train you further. So, expect it. 

The first of the two guardians shows up in week two saying it's time for you to step up and be a leader. Those living in a higher vibration will need to step up and be an example for others. You are being called into action. It is time for you to step into the spotlight and shine. 

Week three brings in the star card which I think is awesome. Double star energy. Woo Hoo. The difficulties you have been experiencing will fall away and signs point to the fact that things are turning out beautifully. Remember to wish upon a star, listen to your inner guidance and promptings. The Angels encourage you to feel this great sense of optimism and hope. Your recent ideas and inspirations are heaven sent and will be fruitful. 

The second guardian shows up in week four. He says to trust. You can rely on the advise you've been given or you internally intuit. You are surrounded by people who have the best intentions for you and your life. 

It looks like September will be quite a relief after the intense energies of the previous eight months. I wish you a fruitful autumn and abundant blessings. May your life reap a harvest of goodness and bliss. 

I am so thankful for each and everyone of you who read these words or watch my YouTube channel. 


Friday, August 14, 2015

Colorific Energies of Aug. 15 ~ Burgundy and Pink

Colorific Energies of Aug. 15

Burgundy ~

Wine, plum, blood, blood of Christ, life blood, dizzy, cheers, bubbles, flowing gown, walking down a staircase. Princess, be in your power, allow power to be yours.

I think this speaks of the energy of Christ is coming down to earth now into a realm where we can actually grasp it much easier. And it will be in a form we enjoy or that is celebratory.

Kool-aid, don't drink the kool-aid, be in your own unique power. Swirl, lick, taste, sweet, tart, sweetheart. Full heart. full of love, heart of love, rain down love in burgundy pink waves.

Don't conform to the perils of this world but instead seek what you desire from inside your own heart.

Pink ~

Archangel Chamuel. Pink heart bubbles, children playing with bubbles, play time, tutus, spinning, magic wand. Ta da! Abracadabra! Having what you want but you have to ask for it, reach for it.

It is a time of play and celebration. We have achieved so much in really such a short amount of time. Be good to yourselves and don't let the man get you down. You deserve all the good that is coming your way and even more.

Bubble gum, enjoy, relax, get away, blow a bubble, bubble of burgundy and pink energy used for healing. Send it to those who resonate with it. Send it to yourself. Passion ignited. pulling in power, dissolving of contracts, drawing in lost pieces of your soul. High heart. Flowers, lotus, open up, don't drown, drowning in emotions. Pull in healing floral energy. Fairies, elementals, dancing, play, lips, kiss, sensual, sacral. Hot, hot, hot. Hot flash, heated up, wrap it around you, erotic, haze of vision. Don't focus, feel. Experience a rush of emotions. Shout, cry, release. Sigh, relief. New energy coming in, old going out. Embrace it, experience it while it is still here so it can be released from your system. Open your arms to it. Exciting you, stimulating you, new type of release. More. Again. Touching, fingers sweeping.

Rooster visits the reading again. Leader, strut your stuff, wake up, time to move on.

Cornflower blue, wheat & cyan ~

Bursting forth with communication, segments create a full whole, baby steps, baby blue, powder blue, talc. It's a boy, party, birthday, balloons. Up, up and away. Keep talking, happy talk. Talk about thing you like to do. 

Saw a sign in my 3rd eye - okay gesture. It's okay. Rooster, wake up to thinking more positively. Stretch, new morning. good morning. Blue skies, clear skies, horizon. 

Green ~ 

Lush, nature, healing, grounding, The Green Man. Coming more in tune with nature, turn off your tv and live life, be free, turn off your electronics and wifi. Clear the air. The pulses that come from them are not healing. White noise, ocean sounds, rain sounds, soothing sounds lead to soothing thoughts. Create, bake, do things you love, organize, feng shui, spring clean,move the energy around in stagnant places. Take a drive. Rose quartz, flea market, crystal skull. Knowledge coming in that is healing.

Garden, growing, healing, comforting, getting together with friends, breathe, be still, dead ends will always have a creative solution like branches of two trees touching each other. You must trust. You might not know the outlet until it is presented to you. Trust and jump. You will be caught. Reaching, sticking to things, moss, north, true north, north star, guiding light.

Purple ~

Plum, juicy, spiritually creative, leaders, royalty, people in charge, higher mind, reaching out, touching branches, sharing energy with green. Be still and receive a spiritual awakening. Meditate.

As we meditate and come more in tune with  nature we will become more leader-like. Embrace the nurturing energy. You will bring people toward their true north and they will see and reach for their ultimate truth.

I hope this reading helps and you get something out of it.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Color Energy Reading: 8-13-14: Purple and Blue

Main colors: Purple and Blue

Accent colors: White, Red and Dark Gold

Purple always reminds me of royalty so I think that relates to people in charge in your life like parents, bosses, significant others. It reminds me me of church and religion. Flowing robes and beautiful skies.

An image suddenly comes to mind of someone who is waving a flag like you do at a car race. Long pole with a white flag. The words that come to mind are READY, SET, GO! Waving flags can also mean caution. So move forward with caution. The people in charge may try to enforce their opinion but remember that you control your world, Boundaries. Keep your boundaries strong when dealing with these people. Add blue and it says to communicate and speak your truth. Also be calm. Have a calm mindset when dealing with superiors.

Blue - communication, water, emotions, speak your truth, calm, coolness, skies. Reach for the sky. Clouds in the sky which could mean that it could be hard to see when clouds invade your blue skies. I get a bit of clarity with the blue too but a real calm is needed to gain this clarity. Add purple and it beautifies the sky. Healing. St. Germain and the Violet Flame. Ask for healing on a situation with superiors. Ask for a healing in church, religion, people in charge in the world.

I got an image of a red apple which reminds me of back to school time which is just starting right now. We need to be calmer and set our boundaries when dealing with children. Things will get more excited with this added bit of red. Nutrition, good for you, apple a day keeps the doctor away, tree of knowledge, wisdom.

An excitement in the world of work i coming. Adding red to purple makes the purple more magenta, more dramatic, romantic. A new relationship could be highlighted at this time somehow related to the people in charge in your life at this time.

Red means stop, warning, watch out, watch your back. It's a warning kind of day so stay calm when dealing with people. Red alert. Red added more in the latter part of the day. So, relax, rest. Know it's coming. An easement of the energies that have been wearing you out is on its way. Just a shot of excitement before the red aggravation energies fall away.

Dark gold, nugget, eureka, financial abundance. Purple, kiss the ring of the pope. Kiss off. Time of change that will bring more abundance. What seems bad in the moment turns out to a true blessing in disguise. Dark gold can mean jewelry, bling, looking good, look a me. It's a time to be in the spotlight. It's all focused on you. Still a bit of a warning in the background here. Watch your back. Protect yourself. Shield yourself, your home, your place of work. Gaining knowledge highlighted. Read. Learn. Higher learning. Going back to college.

This reading is sort of all over the place so anticipate a scattered energy. Really protect your aura by adding purple and blue to it.

Saw a rooster in my hand position as it was in the "Okay" gesture. Wake up. And it's going to be okay is the message here.

Coming to work I thought about someone with a completely yellow aura with a tad bit of purple on the top left. Then I realized it was supposed to be a completely purple aura. Only a bit of spiritual info was getting to her. I mixed the yellow and purple and added a lot more purple to give it a marbled effect. More clarity and more spiritual info coming in now.

Dreamed last night I was creating blue owl stickers. Watch that knowledge that really speaks to you and sticks in your mind.

Heard a prediction yesterday about Hollywood younger actors starting to commit suicide. I sent the whole state of California today's colors in order for them to remain strong during this time.

Be healed. 


Color Energy Reading:Gold and Green

Color Reading: Gold & Green

I have always been fascinated by colors and how colors heal, especially our aura. Here is a sort of automatic writing on the colors that were speaking to me today: GOLD & GREEN.
The word Golden reminds me of the Christ light and something of wealth and abundance. Also, shining your light comes to mind.

I get a deep underwater sea green feeling which is where there is little light. Add gold to that and it is bringing light to the darkness. Water in symbolism is emotions to me. So this would be a lightening up of emotion starting today. Thank god! This lightening brings with it a great abundance and healing.
Now I am turning my attention to lime green. It is an about face sort of feeling from the other energies. And that is what we are doing, an about face from the energies where we were struggling to a time of more ease. The words conjured by lime are: sour, ice cream pops, cold. The colors coming to me are lemon, lime and orange. Fruits. But orange and yellow bring gold. Orange to me is sacral chakra and creativity. Yellow is clarity. Lime and lemon are both sour yet orange is sweet. Sour mixing with sweet. Coming out of the cold. Lemonade is refreshing. A tome of refreshment. Jubilee. Do what appeals to you. You like it sour, do that. You like it sweet, do that. There is no wrong. Society tries to make us confirm but our uniqueness is really needed in the world. Don't let the man quash it.

A cold like this is good. So maybe some time away from the world would be good. A stagnant time may seem like going backward but it is really assisting you. Things are coming to the surface we've never seen before and it will be a really cool time. Trust yourself. You know how to heal you.

I hope you enjoyed this new type of reading.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12th Energies

Energies Aug 12, 2015

Today I am pulling from the Spirit Messages oracle deck by John Holland (who also created the popular decks Psychic Tarot and Psychic Tarot of the Heart).

1). Forgiveness - holding on to resentment and anger is preventing or even suffocating your spiritual growth. Resentment is one of the strongest and most damaging of human emotions. The act of forgiveness in its own right is equally incredibly powerful, and it has the capacity to heal and transform. 

Chaos has just been around me lately and I have found myself aggravated on a daily, if not, hourly basis. This stuff is all coming up so we can get it out of our system. Don't be so hard on yourself that you once again failed in your intentions. You have to get that energy out of you so that the new can come in. I am sending you healing green energy to cope with this onslaught of "stuff".

2). Study - spirit has its own special way of letting you know it is time to study again. From time to time it is important to go back and learn, whether that's learning old things in a new way or learning something totally new. This is an opportunity to expand your mind. 

I have found myself getting back into things I had long ago left behind. I think this is because I wasn't supposed to let go of it but the circumstances of living in this dense world forced me to let it go for a time. What have you let go if that you now find a renewed interest in? This is your higher self speaking to you. Listen. 

3). You Are Not Alone - we are here for you. We never left. Through all the sadness and loneliness, however, you cannot sense us near you or feel how much love we are sending you. We are your family, friends and guides. You never walk alone. We walk right beside you. 

Isn't that such a relief to know? We are not alone. We are never alone. I feel a peace wash over me knowing that I do indeed have someone on my side when in real life it seems only my family truly understands me and "gets" me. 

My prayer to my angels and guides is this: Please take care of all the stressful things in advance so I have a smooth day that will bring many opportunities to me that I will love and greatly benefit from. Thank you. 

Write your own letter to your Angela and your spiritual team so they know exactly what it is you want to manifest today. 

Message to you from my spiritual team: Times are sometimes hard but we are here with you in every hour, guiding you and whispering in your ear. We are your friends. We don't want you to suffer. This is why resentment and anger must be released in order for peace to flow in. Trust that this is true. Anticipate the peace that is coming to you. A floodgate is ready to open and bring to you all the good you've been wishing for and desiring. Study the signs we leave as markers along your path. You are never alone. We are with you. Lean on us. 

Have a blessed day. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Reading for the energies of month of August

August 2015 forecast

This is a time of great power for us. Considering the end of week one is the 888 Lion's Gateway, I can see why it's time to decide which tools you are going to use to move forward. That is what the Magician is all about, having all you need to succeed and deciding what tools you want to pull out of your vast arsenal of experience.

I mean, we are talking about a lot of different kinds of conflicting energies here, all coming in at once  and it can all be a bit overwhelming. I have been clearing my space to assist with this new influx of power  i know i don't need to be shocked  Being empathic at this time makes it a bit more of a challenge because you can feel not only the big energies but the crazy reactions of those around you too. 

 This is a time to be clear on exactly what you want to create, what you desire and how you want to tackle moving forward after the fallout. This may be a time of moving to a new home, changing jobs or dissolving friendships or marriages. It's going to be a challenge, there is no doubt. 

You have the power to manifest whatever you want at this time. So watch your thoughts so you only manifest what you want and not what you are prone to complain about. 

This powerful energy comes in because it is a time of expansion and transition. And The Death card really shows us this aspect in a strong way. The card says Release and that is exactly what we will be doing. When all this energy comes in, something else must go out. It's the law of cause and effect in action. 

The only problem with this release is that it will appear achingly slow. When is it going to show up and change my life," you may wonder. But releasing the old worn out energy will take some time. It will be a time of rest. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs that call out to you at this time. 

By week three you may have clashes with some of the people around you. And you may have to take a stand for your convictions. Just remember to choose your battles wisely. Not everything needs to be fought about. The other person who is most likely a lower vibration than you is just ripe and ready for a fight. It may be an exhausting battle of wills. But if you believe what you stand for is for the highest good of all, stand firm and rock on. But if it is not, don't let your ego continue with a battle that is better left quenched. 

Week four ushers in a time to evaluate whether everything in your world is in balance. This is a perfect time to help heal relationships and to let go of those that are continuing in an unbalanced cycle of me, me, me when the mantra should be us, us, us. 

The shadow card shows the underlying meaning of why we must experience this time of change and renewal. The card says "A New Vitality." And that is exactly what we are doing, blowing a new breeze into the stagnant air of our lives. It is like opening the windows after months of being cooped up and breathing the same air over and over. Everything just feels a lot better after that fresh energy is infused in your house. 

I hope this monthly reading makes sense to you and I send you all much love and blessings this month.