Tuesday, February 24, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Void (Witching Savannah #3) by J.D. Horn

by J.D. Horn (Goodreads Author)
Kindle Edition, 322 pages
Published November 18th 2014 by 47North

Goodreads synopsisBook Three in the darkly magical Witching Savannah series.
   An otherworldly energy runs through the city of Savannah, betraying its sleepy, moss-cradled charm. The old, beguiling streets look welcoming to most…but certain families know what lurks under their genteel surfaces. Families like Mercy Taylor’s, which has the most powerful lineage of witches in the South, know this all too well.
   Mercy and her husband, Peter, are happily preparing to welcome baby Colin into their lives. But their excitement quickly becomes overshadowed by a gruesome discovery: someone has scattered severed limbs throughout the city. After a troubling visit from an old foe, Mercy learns dark magic is at play, and someone—or something—wants her and her unborn child out of the picture. To uncover the shocking reason why, the amateur witch must face a force beyond her power…or risk losing everything.
   The third book in J.D. Horn’s Witching Savannah series, The Void is a gripping adventure about the enchantment—and evil—that can lie just beyond sight.

This is the third book in the Witching Savannah series which follows The Line and The Source. This ending in the trilogy is exactly what  you look for in a finale. It has everything you want. At least, it had everything I wanted. I was so upset at the death of Jilo that I feared I would never see her in book three. I am so glad I was wrong. Mercy Taylor was conflicted between her love and devotion to her husband Peter and their soon to be born son, Colin, that she squashed any feelings she had for the golem turned real man, Emmett.

The only negative thing I can say is that everything seemed a bit long and drawn out but I guess if you want to know all the crucial details, you have to make it that way. I enjoyed reading this finale and was so happy when I discovered that I would be able to review it. A happy "YIPPEE!!!" squealed forth from me.

If you are looking for an interesting read that is full of heart, family and determination, then this is definitely the book for you. 

5 Stars (15 Stars for the entire series!)

I try to make my reviews as spoiler free as possible so each person can be surprised by what pops up.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from Net Galley in return for an honest review. I thank Net Galley, the author, J.D. Horn and the publisher for allowing me to read this novel.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Energies of the 14th

Happy Valentine's Day to you all. This is the last installment in the 14 Days of Energy readings. Today's cards come from John Holland's Psychic Tarot of the Heart

The first card is the Sacral chakra card. This coming up makes sense. Our love energy initially is born in the sacral and moves up to the heart.  How ate you truly feeling at your core? Are there things you need to work on? Passions left undone. Now is the time to examine them. Then make the decision to let them go or bring them back into your experience. 

Now is the time for Balance. This is the Temperance card. You have been through struggles but you are merging both your divine male self and divine female self. And what is coming forth is an experience coming from unconditional love. 

The last card is the Ace of Wands. When you put your energy into these new ventures, people and experiences your world changes in amazingly positive ways. Rainbows mean promises. Make a promise to yourself to make you a priority. 

Angel blessings to you. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Energies of the 13th

Yes, it is Friday the 13th. Don't freak out. In our household 13 was always a lucky number. Change your focus on how you relate to this number and other superstitions you ascribe to. 

I believe the stigma surrounding this quasi holiday started with the Knights Templars when they were burned at the stake. I can't remember if it was on Friday the 13th or there were 13 Templars burned. 

Today's cards come from the Steampunk Tarot. 

The 7 of cups is about all the opportunities we have before us. And this energy can feel overwhelming. All you need to do us make a choice and the crazy energy should go away. 

The 9 of Wands is about being through a trial and still standing your ground. So it is your choice whether you let the negative aspects of the day shake you. 

Choose wisely today. 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Energies of the 12th

Today I am using the Deviled Ham Lenormand I got free online and created and laminated the cards. 

I pulled the Anchor and the Key. We will be the strong stabilizing influence in ours and others lives today. Trust is the key. Trust yourself and your instincts today. 

Intuitive Mitchell also chose the Anchor for today. He said that the little things will have a big impact today. So pay attention to the signs. (Check our Intuitive Mitchell on his YouTube channel)

Also, yesterday was the end of Mercury Retrograde so you should be feeling a bit of relief in the energies today. 

Trust yourself and you will do well today. Send others the vibe of unconditional love. 


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Energy of the 11th

The number 11 is all about how we are manifesting in this moment so watch your thoughts. 

Today's card comes from the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan

Four of Pentacles

As I write the name of the card I hear the words four of cups. So maybe both fours influence the energies today. The four of Pentacles is about how we are being a bit stingy and focused only on our own needs. It says that if you want to grow and receive more you must release your grip on the abundance you currently have. Be more generous with your time and money and then watch the blessings roll in. You must stay in energetic flow in order for more to come to you. You become like and energy dam and only hurt yourself when you are stingy with your abundance. 

The four if cups is about paying attention to opportunities presented to you. 

So if you are stingy you will miss these opportunities the universe and god are presenting to you. Write down those light bulb moments because they are significant today. 

Stay open and grab that brass ring that presents itself to you. 


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Energies of the 10th

Today I am using the Victorian Fairy Tarot

The cards are the Heirophant and the Ace of Cups. The Heirophant is the spiritual teacher. he looks like he has tossed aside his scrolls and is contemplating spiritual things from within. He is also out in nature. And we connect to spirit better when we are outdoors. 

The Ace of Cups shows a flowing river with an open lotus. We are opening to the live around us by going within, tossing the books aside and spending time in nature. 


Monday, February 9, 2015

Energies of the 9th

Today's cards are from the Victorian Fairy Tarot. 

The first card is the Knight of Summer. He is quite a character. He is like the lover of the knights. Knights are about action.  And he definitely looks like he is about to make his move. His bird friend is flying next to him and for me birds bring messages. A blue bird would bring a message of communication. Make sure you are communicating in loving ways today. Watch the tone of your voice. People tend to find the biggest meanings in the smallest of our actions. Be loving today and lead with your heart. 

The two of spring is usually about a choice but here it depicts you have chosen and are immersed in that choice. Your creative vision is on fire right now and you are so passionate about pursuing it. Just don't forget to pay attention to others today. They may need some emotional support from you. So don't be so immersed that you forget everyone else. 


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Energies of the 7th & 8th

Sorry I missed yesterday's energies. All in divine time, right. 

Here is the card I picked for the 7th:

This card is from the Goddess Guidance deck by Doreen Virtue. Aeracura is like a bridge between this earthly life and the hereafter. She is the multi-tasking goddess going between being an Earth Goddess, a fairy queen and this spiritual liaison role. She helps us put our goals and challenges in perspective. 

This card says you are blossoming and opening up. Reminds me a lot of the Quan Yin energy. She is standing on the yellow center of the daisy and yellow represents our power center and clarity. We are getting more clarity on our goals and challenges as we are standing up to others using our personal power. 

The energies of the 8th

Here we have the 9 of Autumn (Pentacles) and the 9 of Summer (Cups)

The 9's really stand out to me. Nine is the number of completion. The first card shows us in our nest and working hard on a project while watching a young bird get ready to take its first flight. We have been working hard toward something and are ready to do that Fool thing and take a big leap of faith. 

The 9 of Summer shows all these fireflies flying around. You are one of those fireflies. You have stepped out in faith and are now free and shining your light to the world unrestricted. By stepping out in faith today you release the chains that have been binding you to your roost. 

Now I understand why these two days of cards go together. You are blossoming and transforming and releasing restrictions in order for you to move forward with your soul's growth. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

Energies of the 6th

Today's reading is brought to you from the Victorian Fairy Tarot. 

Both cards are in the suit of spring. In this deck spring is the suit of wands aka the fire element. 

The Six of wands is usually about victory and success. You ride into town on your steed and have won the battle you have just fought. Here it shows a lady being waited on by other ladies. They are each assisting her in some way. So, expect a lot of unexpected help to come your way today. 

The next card is the eight of wands. I like to call this the woo, woo, woo card since it has so much energy associated with it. You will be pretty busy today which explains the unexpected help being offered. This also can mean receiving news from afar. Maybe someone you haven't heard from in a while will contact you today. 

The card itself depicts ladies wielding bows and arrows. This theme usually means to me "focused intentions". What are you focusing in right now? Are you focused on how crazy your day will be or the unexpected help that will arrive? Know that you have already attained some huge goal because the target is behind the women and the are looking forward to new challenges. Maybe the news from afar will relate to the new challenges and road ahead for you. 

But don't worry. The six of wands says you're already a success. Embrace that today. 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Energy of the 5th

Today I am using the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan. 

The knight of Pentacles is a slow moving energy. I hear the phrase "slow to anger." So, if something gets your goat today try not to react to it in the same way you normally do. The Star's guidance is to go with the flow. The Ace of Pentacles reminds me of a new road opening up for us. So don't let silly anger that will be a flash in the pan keep you from missing a new gateway to a new road that will be über fulfilling for you.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Energies of the 4th

Today I am using the Chrysalis Tarot. This is the card of Judgement. Judgement is all about how we are reaching toward a completion of something. The next card in the deck is The World. This card is so colorful. You are being filled up energetically in order to move forward in some way. This energy is lifting you up in order for you to begin your calling in this world.

Phoenix's are all about renewal and rebirth. What does this mean for you? You will either finish with something in your life or you will find a newfound energy to dive into it. Something in your life is emerging with an abundance of energy and you will love whatever comes up for you. It is your calling in life. Something you've known about or had a love for but never quite had time to do it. Now you will. The earth is sending us loving energy that just grounds us and gives us such good vibes that how can we not do well in this endeavor?

Today is the 4th which is all about stability and firm foundations. You will find your direction today in a new way. Look for the blessings coming forward for you. Like yesterday, expect the best and the best will come to you.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Energies of 2/3

This is the Queen of Summer from the Victorian Fairy Tarot. Summer is the suit of Cups and cups is all about our emotions. Looks like we need to be a little more laid back today and don't take everything we encounter so seriously. Don't fan the flames of anger just because you can or because it is convenient in the moment. Use the violet flame of transmutation and turn those negative and worrisome thoughts into gold. Express love today. Give out your best emotions and expect the best to be returned to you.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Energies of the 2nd

This card is in reverse. I dropped it on the floor and when I picked it back up it was upside down. 

Deck: Victorian Fairy Tarot

Card: Devil reversed

What does it mean? It shows a goblin sitting in a market. Kinda like a devious salesman. It asks you to not jump into something that is too good to be true. You need to look into the details before committing to something. It also means that blockages are releasing but we might have to wait until Mercury Retrograde is over around the 11th. 

Pay attention to the details today and into tomorrow. 


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Energies of 2/1

Today starts a fourteen day long series where I pull a card or two a day for the fourteen days coming up to Valentine's Day. 

Today's cards are Death and the Four of Pentacles. I am using the Tarot of a Hidden Realm deck. 

Death is about big change. Something in your life is going away and it will be replaced with something more fulfilling. If change doesn't happen to you. Maybe this is something you need to do on your own. What is it in your life that when you look at it you either dread doing it or wish you had never taken that path? Change is always in your hands since you create your world by how you thing. 

The old pastor of my church used to say that you know what is important to you by taking note of your most dominant thoughts, as well as who you routinely associate with and what books you are reading. 

When you look at these things in your life do you see the life of the person you want to be? If not, it's time for a change. 

The magic is around you so change will be made easier now. Time to bust out of that comfort zone and fly free. 
