Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Writing with the Tarot - Part 4

Writing with the Tarot  - Part 4

On my YouTube channel ( I did a three part series about how to use the Tarot to help you with crafting your creative writing and fictional stories. Today I am using the Hanson Roberts Tarot by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Step one is to pick a deck. I use the Hanson Roberts because it is small and the images have a lot to use as far as symbolism.

Step two is to shuffle your cards as you ask your question. My question is usually "what direction do you see my story going in from the point where I left off." Or maybe your question could be "what is the storyline of the next upcoming scene?"

Then decide when you think it is shuffled enough and deal out your cards. I usually do three rows of four cards. 

I have done an example spread to show you how it is done.

My story is called The Legacy: Cloak & Dagger. It's a spy series that I have been writing on for a long time.

Card 1: 7 of Cups

The 7 of Cups is about how your character has many options. And it asks you to review the options you have. It also is about illusion. So maybe you have a character who is less then honest that is bringing a new choice to your character. There is a Merlin-like image on this card as well. So maybe the man behind the scenes is the one with all the choices and your character is just a pawn in his bigger game. One of the cups holds a castle. And that reminds me of the original homebase of the Legacy over on Smith Island. So, maybe my character needs to go there for some reason. Or maybe it just means Headquarters in general. There have been a few different headquarters locations in the years of me writing this series.

Card 2: 3 of Rods (Wands)

This is about how your character is waiting for something to come in. Could be a package, a message, money, etc. The blue shawl says to me that this thing that is coming in is concerning communication. Plus this card has the character facing left. Left is toward the past. So maybe this character is waiting for a message from an old friend they haven't seen in a long time. For my story this could mean that Ethan Fairchid, the main character, is awaiting a message from someone in the old Legacy compound. Many characters right now are inside the compound underneath the London streets. So this message could come from there.

Card 3: 2 of Rods (Wands)

This card is about partnering up. Or it could be making a decision about two things.
For my story this could mean the possibilities of two different people wanting to partner up with Ethan or it could mean two decisions he has to decide between. Then you ask yourself how does this relate to my own story. What possibilities does it bring up?

Card 4: The Hermit

This could be referring to a specific character who is very knowledgeable, and who hides away from the world. Could be an inventor, professor or super genius where your character can go to learn some important knowledge or intel. This knowledge keeper will shine a light on something your character didn't think was important before.

Card 5: Page of Cups

Pages bring messages. And Cups are about relationships or fulfillment in our lives. So this asks you what messages will come to your character about another character in your novel universe?

Card 6: 3 of Pentacles 

This card is about being recognized for something you're doing. And in the life of a spy being recognized is a bit of a no no. So maybe Ethan's cover is blown here. Uh oh! He will have to act fast and make new plans. Usually this is about being acknowledged for some good work you are doing. So how is your character being recognized for their contributions to some cause, the community or his/her job?

Card 7: The Devil

This card is about being controlled by something or addictions effecting your life. My character Ethan has nanites in his system, and has had them in him since 1998 when I started writing this story. Because of this fact, Ethan can be hacked and taken control of much like a computer. Maybe this happens again. It was suspected of happening earlier in the storyline so maybe it is resurfacing now.

Card 8: The Tower

This card is about shaking our foundations. Sudden enlightenment about something. It is usually a card where a lot of chaos happens. And it usually happens for a good reason and for your characters benefit.

Card 9: The Heirophant

This is about the normal trappings of religion, spiritual things and sometimes just about a spiritual teacher coming into our lives. The axiom used with this card is: when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

So, in the life of my spy guy, I think Dr. Myers might prove to be helpful to him since he is the one who knows all about Ethan's nanites and provides the ATP that can keep him alive. ATP is a made up thing that I created that keeps the nanites alive in Ethan's system so they won't feed off of his own life force.

Card 10: The Star

This is about guidance and hope. You are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel here.  Mission coming to completion.

Card 11: 7 of Rods (Wands)

What is a story without one final fight scene with the enemies. This is where you are in conflicts or competition with someone or usually a few someones.

Card 12: Ace of Pentacles

Ethan finds a gift concerning a family connection. Lilies means family or an uplifting  consequence. The gift could mean that a person thought dead is alive or something that is quite a surprise. This is always a good surprise.

Card 13: (Base of the Reading) What is this all about in the end?

10 of Cups

This is the happy family card, the happily ever after card where your family is together and your are content. This is what Ethan wants: his family safe, cared for and there for each other. The rainbow is the promise of fulfilling times ahead. And doesn't a spy really long for the day when he can take his spy shoes off and just be who he really is? This is Ethan's unspoken dream.

And that is it. 

You use the tarot to jump start your thinking and get your mind on aspects of your plot you may have forgotten or lost. I hope this helps you.

Let me know what you think.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Reading for the weekend 12/12-12/14

Today I am using the Goddess Guidance oracle by Doreen Virtue.

Brigit - Don't Back Down

Stand up for what you believe is right.

You are coming into a time where your voice needs to be heard Maybe you have been hesistant about voicing your opinion because the people in charge have a dis-ease called stupidity and you thought you would be punished for your opinion. But now we are easing into a time where that male dominated energy is not exactly coming to an end but it is coming into balance with the feminine energy of intuition and nurturing. It is time to be clear about your intentions and to really trust the wisdom that comes to you. You are really plugged into the internet of the Universe so trust yourself and your instincts.

Don't worry about what others think. Speak your truth in love and you should be okay.

Sarasvati - The Arts

Express yourself through creative activities.

I pulled this card for myself in the second position last night as well. So her message about doing something creative relates to everyone. When adding the meaning to the previous card, you will need to speak your truth regarding something that you love to do, some passion you create. If you feel like you don't have enough time to do the creative thing you love, you need to know that the universe brings to us that which we believe. Maybe it is time to reexamine your beliefs about what you believe is possible for you.

This card is also very adamant that you need to listen to music. I believe it has a lot to do with the axiom that music soothes the savage beast. Music brings new colors into your life. When you listen to music that is just your thing, don't you feel better? We need to listen to this type of music since our surroundings have been so filled with chaos and this music will be like a healing balm to you.

Freyja - Bold

Unleash your adventurous side. Take risks and be daring.

We have been in victim mode long enough. It is time for us to put up those boundaries and say NO MORE. You are a limitless being that deserves to be heard. Your voice and opinion matter. This card says not to play it safe when it concerns your true heart's passions. People will only have their own agendas in the forefront of their own mind and your desires will be snubbed for sure if you keep working in the energy of the old. Embrace this new energy that is coming in. Hold the clear intention of success and you will find it coming to fruition for you.

So, what is this three card reading telling us? Stand up for yourself. It is time. Listen to music to calm and center yourself and make you ready to go with the flow and to bring more love and happy energy to the situation. Your passions and opinions do count, we have learned here. Your voice matters. And then be bold when speaking about your passions. Don't speak to others about your dreams as if they are nothing. Your dreams are amazing. Speak about them to all and share how amazing your dreams truly are.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Reading for the Week of December 8th

Today I am doing the reading using the Psychic Tarot by John Holland.

Today's Cards are very well placed, in my opinion. They really read like a story.

The Devil card says that this is a time of transformation for us. We are reaching for new experiences and the times right now are testing us. Tough times are being used to make us stronger. Lots of red energy in the card so the tough times are triggering our security issues.

The 7 of Wands says that you need to stand your ground when these tough times come up.  You have something important to impart in the situation and it is time that your voice is heard. It is time to step out of the shadows and into your brilliance.

11 - Justice says that these tough times will bring a new balance and harmony to your lives. You just need to trust that what is happening has a greater purpose. In the future you will remember this time and see how significant it truly was. The day you stood up for yourself and others.

When you add all the numbers up you get the number 6.

The number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring and harmony and signifies the need for stability in all areas of your life and relates to home and family, society, possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles.  

It also symbolizes responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing, protection and self-less service to humanity.

This time is readying you for a day when you will be the leader you have so been searching for. You truly have all you need to proceed but the one thing you still require is the faith to move into these new experiences. Have faith and you will see that everything you will go through will be worth it in the end.


Monday, December 1, 2014

2015 Yearly Forcast using Oracle & Tarot cards

2015  Yearly Forcast using Oracle & Tarot cards

Today I am presenting the cards for the 2015 calendar year (including Dec. 2014). I actually did this reading for myself but considering we are all one, I thought it would be a good guide for everyone. I am using the Flower Therapy cards for the theme, and the Enchanted Map oracle and the Robin Wood Tarot for the months themselves.

Let's get started...

Theme of the Year of 2015:
Snapdragon flower
Description: Don't give power to negative words by saying them. Speak from your Higher Self and make your communications peaceful and loving.

This is pretty much self explanatory. We have been holding onto anger and getting mad about all the chaos around us. We need to release this and know that it is not really about you. But we feel like we have a connection to it. We get riled up and want to make change happen. Sometimes it is not on us to make change... you know.. change. It is all up to god, the universe and spirit. Release this need to get riled up by things. It will serve you well in 2015.

December 2014

Enchanted Map card: Wizard of Awareness (reversed)
Robin Wood card: Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is about hardwork and going through a lot of stuff. It is a trial, but it is also an ending. The hard work is about to be over. Which makes sense since December is the end of the year of 2014. Change and a new cycles are obvious here. The Wizard of Awareness says that you are putting too much force behind your desires for a specific outcome. We need to learn to allow the universe to bring us stuff because sometimes they have better things to bring that whatever we are striving and wishing for on a constant basis. This also asks us to focus on being grateful. Prefect timing since Christmas is in December and we are all about being thankful and grateful during this time.

January 2015

Enchanted Map card:: Coming Apart (reversed)
Robin Wood card:: 2 of Pentacles (reversed)

The 2 of Pentacles is asking are you feeling like it is all too much to deal with? The bills are probably coming in from Christmas and everyone is cringing with all the responsibilities. Maybe you can't deal with all that is on your plate at work. You are overwhelmed. Know this is true and pay attention to those feelings. Get help if you need it. The Coming Apart card says that a situation is unraveling and your best laid plans are leading you to a tricky maze. Your challenge is to separate out the elements of this puzzle to get a better perspective on what happened. You may have lingered in a situation too long and you have just had enough.

February 2015

Enchanted Map card:  Coming to Life (reversed)
Robin Wood card:: 9 of Cups (reversed)

The 9 of Cups (rev) says: Things are finally looking up and you need to really stop and think about what you really want in your life. You may be pleasantly surprised by how quickly it can come about. Dream big. The Coming to Life card is a gentle reminder to get out of your own way. Let go and let spirit lead. A new life is always unstable in the beginning but it only needs a bit of gentle care. Everything has its own cycle of growth. Let nature take its course.

March 2015

Enchanted Map card:  Peaks of Joy (reversed)
Robin Wood card: 6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords says that there is a change happening and it is a change for the better. It could mean travel. But you are moving in a good direction toward a more peaceful life. The universe is taking you where you need to be. The Peaks of Joy card says that you shouldn't rely on material achievements when assessing how happy you are. Why wait to experience a pure delight? This is a month of joy. Happiness is an inside job. Go within and see where your joy lies.

April 2015

Enchanted Map card: Dragon's Lair
Robin Wood card:  The Tower

I laugh at how close these two cards are in meaning. It is so like spirit to do this sort of thing. Syncronicity. Things are out of alignment. You are about to enter dangerous territory. Tread carefully. The path you are on now will challenge you to the core. There is a greater value in risk taking than being unchallenged. A new experience is calling to you. The Tower card says: a sudden and swift change is afoot. Watch your footing as you travel forward. Bumps ahead.

May 2015

Enchanted Map card: The Mountain
Robin Wood card: 5 of Swords

The Mountain says that you are coming toward what looks like a big obstacle. Don't try to tackle it head on. Take a more circular route around it to avoid it if possible. No need to tackle something that doesn't need tackling. The 5 of Swords says that you are having mixed feelings about life in general and may not be getting along with some people you normally have no problem dealing with. Can indicate conflicts. Think before you act. (I accidently typed thank before you act. And that sounds like good advice too.)

June 2015

Enchanted Map card:  Making a Choice 
Robin Wood card: 5 of Cups (reversed)

The Making a Choice card says that you must make a conscious choice. Decide. Trust your intuition. Spirit will lead you to the right path. The 5 of Cups reversed says that you may have been through a difficult time but you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Things are opening up for you now. Embrace that.

July 2015

Enchanted Map card: Cleaning House (reversed)
Robin Wood card: 8 of Wands (reversed)

The 8 of Wands reversed asks that you be a bit more patient. Some things can't be hurried. You have limited energy right now so conserve it. Cleaning house card says that you may have things in your home that is reminding you of experiences from the past you'd rather forget. Release that stuff for someone else to use. Also, being needed isn't going to get you what you really need. Let go and let the universe bring you something better.

August 2015

Enchanted Map card: Into the Unknown (reverse)
Robin Wood card: The Devil

The Into the Unknown card says that wisdom comes from experience. Keep an open mind and enter this part of your journey with open eyes. The Devil says that you are addicted to something or some experience that you just won't leg go of because you get some benefit from it. Now may be the time to let go of this.

September 2015

Enchanted Map card: Wide Open
Robin Wood card: 6 of Wands

The Wide Open card says that all manner of opportunities are presented to you at this time. You are truly able to manifest your dreams. Don't remain small. Expand your horizons. The 6 of Wands is all about having victory and success in some endeavor.

October 2015

Enchanted Map card:: Follow The Leader (reversed)
Robin Wood card: 8 of Cups

The 8 of Cups is about walking away from an experience, a person or a job. The Follow The Leader card reversed says that it is now time to step into your leadership position. Take that gentle push the universe is sending you and get up and take the lead. Be the one voice that says what must be said. Draw up a proper plan.

November 2015

Enchanted Map card: Gentle Gardner (reversed)
Robin Wood card: The Moon (reversed)

The Gentle Gardner card says that you need to be aware of any selfish thoughts or motives. You are worthy. What thought seeds are you sending out into the universe? The Moon reversed means that you are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase right now. Trust your instincts. Things may seem more unclear but stick with it when trying to decipher meanings.

December 2015

Enchanted Map card:: Dry Desert
Robin Wood card: 9 of Swords

The Dry Desert card says that you must dig deep for inspiration and truth. Now is the time to become resilient and adaptable. Have your ideas dried up? You are being asked to conserve energy. Spirit will sustain you for now until you discover the answers that lie deep within you. This is the time to try to find what's truly right for you. The 9 of Swords says that you are worrying about things and the thoughts just keep running around and around in your mind. You need to trust that things will work out just as God has planned it.