Lenormand Cartomancy
by Christopher Butler
Lenormand Cartomancy by Christopher Butler is proving to be a great deck for me. It is my first traditional Lenormand. I have another deck that is similar but it is a Gypsy Fortune Telling deck and in the scheme of the area of Lenormand they are oceans apart.
I was given this deck by Schiffer Publishing to review and I am so glad it was in the box for me to work with. I had been, as I said, trying to figure out the Lenormand system. I had written down things from the internet and joined Facebook groups that had a focus on Lenormand and Cartomancy but nothing really seemed to be teaching me exactly what this all entailed. Tarot was much easier to pick up for me than this was. But I have to say, the book by Christopher Butler, that comes with this deck, is just outstanding. I know some people say the font is too small but I deal with that easily. I wish it had a few keywords at the top if the text, and that is my only niggle with it. Wonderfully insightful book. Love it.
The deck comes with a 96 page book and a deck of 36 Lenormand cards plus two extra Man and Woman cards, in case you want to add these extra cards into your deck. It also comes with the traditional Schiffer card, which as I have mentioned in other reviews, I have actually pulled the Schiffer card in a reading. It's funny when you do that. But I usually go with the flow and interpret as I see fit in the moment. But I digress, the box this deck comes with is a fantastic hard box with a magnetic closure. It is very durable and should last for a long time.
From what I understand Christopher was influenced by Marie-Anne Lenormand, who was a great celebrity fortune telling during the Napoleonic era. She created this whole Lenormand and Cartomancy movemenrt. This deck is an updated version of her original deck. The cards are very abstract and take a minute to look at in order to discover what the nature of the card is. Take the snake for example. The snake image is a bit in silhouette. If you don't know that #7 card is the Snake, it might take you a bit of time getting used to the artwork. But I like this new take on Lenormand. And since it is my first Lenormand deck, I am finding it close to my heart.
Christopher Butler has also created the Quantum Tarot in conjunction with Lo Scarabeo and Kay Stopforth and the Son Tarot published in 2012.
This is a wonderful deck, the card stock is nice if not a tad bit too laminated, but I find it easy to use and just a joy to play with. I hope you decide to check it out.
This deck is published by Schiffer Publishing and you can find it on their website www.schifferbooks.com or on Amazon.com.
I received this deck as gratis from Schiffer. But the views and opinions of this deck are surely my own.