Today I am reviewing two wonderful oracle card decks from Schiffer Publishing.
by Elaine Clayton
The first is a totally elemental/nature deck. It is dedicated to the trees and the wisdom of the trees in all its phases. It is called The Tree of Life oracle by Elaine Clayton.
The cards are made of a good stock. But the lamination or shiny surface makes it hard for cards to pop out of the deck. And that is how I usually get my messages. I know some people like to select the card on their own, but I like spirit to give their two cents in a reading. And the extra lamination makes the cards hard to, as I said, pop out. The only other niggle I have is that the guide book, which is a wonderful length at around 96 pages, does not have an easy way to look up the cards. While each card is numbered in the book, that corresponding number is not on each individual card, so as I learn the deck I am forced to consult the index each time I use it. The back of each card is the logo of the deck plus a nice tree bark background. Unfortunately, if you plan to read reversals, you will know ahead of time if the card is upside down or not. That particularly doesn't bother me, but i now it could bother others.
It comes in a sturdy box with a magnetic closure that I always find a wonderful addition to any oracle deck. And Schiffer does these types of boxes well.
Apart from those little niggles, the deck is just an awesome and wonderful addition to any oracle collection. I completely enjoy connecting with this natural deck in all it's phases. I do pull a similar card most frequently, and I think that speaks of how true the deck is to your life. Life doesn't always change so drastically, it is a growing process, and the image of a tree perfectly corresponds with this concept. I am in love with this deck.
I do hope you take time to take a look at this deck. It is a true keeper.
by Sophia Kelly Shultz
The second deck I am reviewing today is the Stone Circle Oracle: Transformation Through Meditation by Sophia Kelly Shultz. This is a bigger deck (4x6-ish), a bit more difficult to shuffle, and like the previous deck, it is a really laminated card but on good card stock. The back of the card is an image of the nature spirit The Green Man.
This is a very eclectic deck that features images from Southwest pictographs to Egyptian Gods to Thoth, Yemaja, Morning Light, Athena, Spider and Rapture. This deck conjures for the oracle reader a variety of things to pull from as they do a reading. And the 115-ish page book has quite a lengthy description for each card which is always helpful.
The "stone circle" referred to in the deck comes from the author's experience in Pennsylvania, where this particular stone circle is located. A stone circle is a ceremonial location, much like Stonehenge, where peoples from the past did their ceremonies, offerings and alignments.
I have found that the best reading for me comprises two cards from which I use to compare the energies of the offerings to bring a complete picture. There are different spreads in the book from which you can draw if you don't know what to do.
I, personally, find this deck quite intriguing and have pulled some wonderful readings from it that were not only accurate but inspiring. Thank you to the author for this great deck. I am a fan!
I was sent these decks as gratis by Schiffer Publishing but the opinions are my own and I was not require to like these decks by Schiffer.