Today I am using cards from Legacy of a Divine Tarot and the Oracle of the Dragonfae. Many of these messages have come out in other readings lately but I thought it was important to reiterate this.
Shadow Card - (Underlying theme of the reading) 8 of Wands
I am not one who always reveals the shadow card because I don't think it's necessary but today I made an exception. The 8 of Wands is all about creative, moving energy. I like to call it the "woo woo woo" card. It can either that you're going to be really busy with a lot of balls in the air or you will receive a very important message from afar. I really feel it's the latter meaning considering other readings I've done recently. This will concern an important message from God concerning your destiny or maybe you'll get a great insight that really pushes you forward in the new year.
Past Position - 8 of Swords
To me, this means that in the past you've had restriction in your life. And it's not been restriction from others but from you restricting yourself. You've been listening to these phantom voices in your head that sound suspiciously like your parents telling you not to do this, not to do that, stay safe. You've gotten really good at anticipating what your parents might tell you and really don't need their guidance since it is all in your head. Stop listening to this phantom guidance. Get your guidance from inside you. Get yourself up off that web of restriction and free yourself. it's time to move forward in life and the new year is a perfect time.
Present Position - 9 of Cups
This tells me that you've been successful at releasing yourself from restriction and are now basking in the glow of some major abundance and happiness. This is the Wish Card. And you can have your fondest desire. Make an intention this year to have what you really want. Golden energy is above you. Central Sun energy maybe. This is a great thing to connect to this year. The bird reminds me of a parrot and now like a parrot you can speak up and not restrict yourself from giving your opinion like you may have done in the past. You matter. Your opinion matters... especially to people you are meant to serve this year.
Future Positions: King of Cups and Queen of Swords
To me, this is like a marriage of energies. We are really mastering our emotions and healing fears we've had from really revealing our feelings to others. And the Queen of Swords speaks about boundaries and how setting them and not letting others take advantage of your kindness really can assist you in your life.
And it all leads to...
Outcome - Death Card
This is always revealing a big change. It is where things won't be the same again. Maybe you lose your job in order to bring in the more fulfilling one. Or maybe you break up with your significant other in order to attract the person you were really supposed to be with all along. Whatever it is, it is... BIG!
Tatsuya - Dragonfae Oracle card
Take Courage
To me, this is saying that you really need to grow a spine where your creative vision is concerned. You've put it off long enough. Time to drag it out of the dark and work on it again. Take heed that the things that are currently coming against you, your challenges, are really assisting you even if it doesn't feel that way. When things fall apart, you will rebuild anew and things in your life will be better than ever.
My Take...
The restriction we've received in the past was of our own making. But we've released much of this restriction and are reveling in our abundance. We are accepting our need to not focus on the fear but instead on what fulfills us. And we are learning to keep those boundaries strong. Because of all of this a big change is coming that will force us to focus on our vision and our bliss more and more and in turn give us the courage to be faithful to what we desire to work on in the world.