Stay Optimistic
Your dreams are coming true. Don't quit right before the miracle occurs.
This is really just a reminder to keep your thoughts positive. Think Law of Attraction. What you think about expands and shows up in your world. Take a look at your world. What energies do you see around you manifested in the people you meet? Are they loving and kind or angry and mean? This will tell you how you're doing attracting what you want into your life.
Music for Manifesting
To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.
Have you ever noticed how uplifted you feel when listening to your favorite tune, or just a song you haven't heard in an eon? You feel that calm joy rush over you like AAAHHHH! Refreshing and wonderful. Now get into the habit of thinking of your true heart's desires that you want to manifest whatever it may be, love, your creative vision or people you want to bring into your life. Pairing these two activities together will really work wonders in your manifestation powers.
Clear the Fog
Things look foggy but your ego is distorting the truth. The first thing you need to do to clear the confusion, and take nothing personally.
The Magician
This is a card of making dreams a realty. Time to focus on your goals and applying your determination. Everything you need is available to you and you have the ability necessary.
Knight of Coins
Slow moving knight (usually a man under 40) who is all about the physical realm and really great with children. There is a lot of movement in this card with the depiction of the horses. So, movement toward your heart's desire or something you're doing that is all about love.
4 of Cups
Missed opportunities. Daydreaming but not taking action on what is available to you.
My Take...
Stay positive now. Your dreams are really coming true. Don't fool yourself into thinking they are not. You'll block the flow. You are abundant. Believe that. Keep that vibration by listening to uplifting music you love. This will assist you in manifesting what you most want. Don't be deceived by any uncertainty or foggy intentions of others that comes across your path. There is always something to learn and to be released in this life. That is what the 3D world is all about. Lessons. Soul growth.
It's time to manifest your dreams. You have all the tools at your disposal. You do have the momentum to really push forward with your dream. You are mastering all things of the physical realm And someone will come into your life, possibly a man, who will help you see all the opportunities you've been missing in life.
Sounds pretty awesome.
Enjoy it.