Thursday, January 31, 2013

Slow down, buddy. Break time - 2/1

Enchanted Map Oracle - Deep Freeze

Now is the time to put activity on hold while you rest. You've been doing too much and the Divine has put the kabosh on any movement forward at this time. Rest and reflect on your journey thus far.

Joie de Vivre Tarot - 9 of Coins

You are growing every day and the result is prosperity and abundance. Trust your instincts. Success comes through foresight.

Enchanted Map Oracle -Slow & Steady (reversed)

Don't push forward things impulsively it could not only hurt your situation it could cause more trouble than you ate prepared to handle.

Joie de Vivre Tarot - VIII - Strength

With patience you'll triumph over obstacles ahead. Ride out the storm and face your fears. Do not give up when you are so close to getting through a trying situation.

Enchanted Map Oracle - Unexpected Visitor (reversed)

Do not resist unexpected or unpleasant news. Sometimes there is loss or disappointment due a to destiny whose pattern can't be understood yet.

Joie de Vivre Tarot - 4 of Swords

You've retreated to your cocoon for a soul healing soon to become a butterfly. Allow yourself a period of rest to gain a better perspective and restore balance.

My Take..

With me in an almost no voice mode and fighting a chest cold, I think I might have influenced the cards today. You need to freeze in place for now. Slow down and rest. Success comes through foresight. With patience you will overcome your obstacle, ride out the storm and face your fears. Don't resist unpleasant or unexpected news. It is for your highest good. Trust. Have faith. All will work out as long as you allow yourself a time to rest, rejuvenate and get ready to emerge a beautiful butterfly.

Have a wonderful day.

Visualize and Break Free - 1/31

Messages from your Angels - Francesca

What do you desire right now? Visualize it, and it will come about. Negativity will block your progress.

Magical Mermaids & Dolphins - Break Free

Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.

Messages from your Angels - Daniel

I am the Angel of Marriage, and I as assisting you right now.

Messages from your Angels - Adrianna

I am leading you toward the answer to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the steps I am communicating through your intuition, thoughts and dreams.

Life Purpose Oracle - Study

Reading, research and education help you gain confidence and clarity about your career.

Messages from your Angels - Athena

It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself.

Messages from your Angels - Archangel Raphael

I am helping you heal physical challenges in yourself and others. You are a healer, like me.

Magical Mermaids & Dolphins - Wait

Don't rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.

My Take...

What do you really want in your life? Visualize it. See it in your mind's eye complete an in full color. Break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back and know that you are pairing something together in a new way. Something old with something new. Listen to your internal guidance and the guidance from the angels and spirit guides to help you. Do more research about the project you are currently working on. You need a bit more input. But this is going to bring out your power. You can be powerful. Just let yourself sit in this power. And as you follow your bliss, you will be healing people. You are a healer. And in some way, you need to rest and recuperate. The mermaids are asking you to wait before jumping head first into something. Get all the details of something before proceeding further.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's All About Healing Today - 1/30

Archangel Raphael Oracle - Jesus The Divine Healer

Dear Jesus, thank you for your Divine healing power and presence.

Jesus was a man who was divinely touched. He told us that what he did, we can do also. So, if you are wanting to following a healing path know that these things, these miracles, YOU can do also.

Wisdom of the Avalon Oracle - The Lady of the Lake

Absolute Truth, Courage, Self-Respect, Responsibility

The Lady of the Lake is bringing you the sword of truth, the wonderful sword Excaliber which is a magical sword. In the tarot, swords is all about ideas and inspirations that come into our mind, and anything mental. One deck actually uses the Lady in the Lake to depict the Ace of Swords. You are getting a gift today of a wonderful idea that is going to support you and push you toward your loving, healing path.

Life Purpose Oracle - Crystals

Your connection to crystals and gemstones is a channel for healing energy.

It's all about energy and healing today. So, use those gemstones and crystals that really resonate with you. Use them in healing ceremonies, use them in your readings, use them on yourself. And if you don't know about crystals, get to know them.

Housewives Tarot - Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is all about how we need to watch how we focus our thoughts. We can easily get into pooh-pooh thinking and that is not where we want to live. Refocus your thoughts at every moment you have a negative one. Say, CANCEL, CANCEL and then rethink something better.

My Take...

Jesus is a great example for us to emulate and he tells us that what he did, we can do also. Believe this. The Lady in the Lake is bringing us a gift of Divine Inspiration and we are asked to use crystals and healing stones to further our healing modalities. Then refocus your thinking at every moment and you should have a wonderfully healing day.

Have a great one.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Open Doors bring stability and our heart's desire - 1/29

Ask Your Guides Oracle - New Beginnings

Divine Father

Doors of new experiences are opening for us. We need to recognize them and walk through. These are divine opportunities and ones that we must acknowledge and take seriously. They may not come around again in this form.

Life Purpose Oracle - Strength

Everything you've experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous.

We are seeing things from a higher perspective than we have been in the past and this is putting us in a position of strength. We are wearing our armor and ready to battle whatever comes against us, or we need to protect ourselves with shielding and cutting chords to fear based thought forms.

Ascended Masters - Choose Peace

Paramahansa Yogananda

This is just telling us that if you don't have peace in your life, that peace is a choice we each make. Do you want peace? Then show peace in your actions, show how you bring peace and peace will be brought to you.

Fellowship of the Fool Tarot - 9 of Cups

This is called the "wish card". This is where your fondest dreams come true. You get that ultimate fulfillment in your emotions that you've been searching for. Some hole in your life has been filled and you are celebrating. This man is also playing a stringed instrument which makes me think that this "wish" we have will raise our vibration. Yay!

Rosetta Tarot - 4 of Cups

The four of cups is usually all about how we are not noticing opportunities that come into our world, but this Rosetta Tarot is like the Thoth tarot and thus has a bit of a different definition. This says that we are seeking stability through our emotions and our power center. We have our opportunities in full flow here. The sign of Cancer is on all the cups which is all about our emotional nature. The flower signifies that what we bring to the world blossoms and in turn affords us the opportunities that come our way. And the cups look like fish to me, and fish in dreams signifies spirituality.

Housewives Tarot - Queen of Wands

This queen is strong, creative, inspiring and she can do no wrong. She is the person you want on your creative team. Queens are all nurturing, so you are nurturing some aspect of your creativity today. Stand your ground where your creative vision is concerned. You have the wand that reminds me of the Hermit and that is spiritual inner power, enlightenment and knowledge. 

My Take...

We are being given a new opportunity, new doors are opening that had once been closed and locked. And this new opportunity is going to bring you a new strength that will have a wonderful peace about it. You will feel you are on your path and know it too. This all has to do with your heart's desire. You've been asking for conformation, and here it is. You're getting what you most desire. And this wil bring you a new stability in your emotions and how you relate to your spirituality and intuition. And you'll come out the other side of this a strong, creative, intuitive power house who can do no wrong as long as you stand your ground where your creative inspirations are concerned.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Don't worry, focus on your happy - 1/28


Healing Oracle - Friendliness, compassion and delight cultivate a calm mind.

Practice the healing power of a compassionate mind. Open your heart to other people without judgement, and radiate the message of delight at having them in your life.

You will be getting together with friendly people today who will help you along your path. Also, knowing and relating to these people will calm your emotions and make you stronger mentally.

Life Purpose Oracle Cards - Books

You connect to your life purpose through your involvement with books.

If you love books, want to write, love to read, today this is coming in for you. Get to your passions involving books. It's in the cards (or should I say, pages) today.

Rider Waite Tarot - 7 of Wands

This is where you are in competition with other people. They see your good work and then see themselves in lack. Don't pay attention to the negative ways of others today. You will come out victorious in your dealings with your creative visions, work or passions today.

Rider Waite Tarot - King of Swords

This is where you have a mastery of your mental facilities. You have been working hard to refocus your thinking in better and better ways and the new energies have been helping you.

Rider Waite Tarot - 9 of Swords

This is where you let something trigger you back into worry mode. Just refocus again. These things sometimes happen. Don't let it throw you off your mental balance. You're okay and you ARE good enough!

My Take...

We are getting together with like-minded people today who will help us keep a calm mind. Today is all about your mind and how you focus it. The guides,  teachers, masters and loved ones suggest your focus your mind on your passions. This reading suggests books or your involvement in books, but whatever your passion, focus in on it today. Because you will have some conflict come up in some way triggered by people who see you and see someone who is living the dream they want to live. Stand strong. You will get past this. Keep your mind focused on how you have been mastering your mind and mental thoughts and ideas and how you have been moving away from being triggered into worry. And if worry does intrude a bit refocus your mind. Don't blame yourself. These things happen on the long journey to our best self!

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Creative Visions Are Manifesting - 1/25

Twin Flame

The answer to your question involves a spiritually based relationship. 

I am getting the "look to the stars" message from this card. Also, you need more grounding than you are currently getting and remember to shield yourself.

Have You Asked Your Angels For Help With This?

Your angels want to help you with this situation, however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your free will.

7 of Wands

This is all about how you are succeeding against competition, or perceived competition. And  you do this through your great courage, strength and big heart. You are gaining your heart's desires today.

The Emperor

See that red/orange sky. How wonderful is that? Last night I saw an amazing pink sky, so vibrant. Be thankful for small blessings. Know that your creative vision is there for you, reach out for it,  you have courage, strength and leadership. Be decisive and bull-headed. Your vision is your vision. Don't let anyone deter you from it. Speak to a fatherly figure about your questions concerning your creative vision if you need guidance or refer to your own inner guidance, because that is the best place to start.

3 of Wands

In this card you are filled with the creative spirit and vision you seek. And know that it is coming into fruition very soon. You have what you need to accomplish this task. Your vision will come forth for you. Have faith. Take action when prompted.

My Take...

You need to take action on something today. But first get grounded and shield yourself. You need to be protected before you start accessing the cosmic consciousness to connect to your creative visions. And remember to ask your guardian angels and spirit guides and God to help you with this vision. They want to help you so much. Accept this help today. There will be competition but you will overcome that and keep to your own vision of things. You are gaining your heart's desires. And the vision is currently just beyond reach but have faith that it is coming. You are strong and a leader. Get all your tools ready because it won't be long before inspiration will be flooding in for you.

Sounds positively sunny and successful. Love it.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Keep the faith, dream big - 1/24


When you add together the numbers on each of these cards, it adds up to a 22. This is a  master number. So, it means big energy. It's all about unlimited potential in any and all areas - the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. It has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new opportunities. Keep the faith and stand strong in your spiritual truths.

Angel Number 7 

We have two 7's in the reading, so I thought I'd put out what this means numerologically. indicates for you to keep up the great work you’ve been doing of late. Your angels are telling you that you are on the right life path and that you will find that things of a positive nature will flow freely for you.  Your job is to maintain your momentum and enthusiasm, with the highest outcomes for all in focus. 

26- Deep Freeze

Slow down and put the "freeze" on things that are not ready to bloom. It's time for regeneration. Time to put all your arguments "on ice." Self care is the more important thing right now. So, reflect, read a book, get a massage. Rest and dream.

7 - The Chariot

An important achievement. Self discipline and willpower. Public recognition. Victory! Forward movement in balance.

7 - Into the Unknown

Trust... all will be revealed.
Trust that this new phase will reveal wonders and miracles as you step into the unknown, unknown territory. Imagine you are not only a path FINDER, but a path MAKER! Trust that you'll be safe. Stay aware as you discover new and marvelous territories and valuable treasures.

0 - The Dreamer (The Fool)

A leap of faith. Follow your dreams. Unexpected opportunities. Step out in faith, take a risk. New avenues are open to you. Walk through open doors that become available.

My Take...

We have unlimited potential today. Keep the faith and stand strong in your truth. You're on the right path. You've been doing great work thus far. There will be a time to freeze in place. You may think you're stuck in the mud, but you are stuck there for a purpose. Something is not yet ready to manifest in your life. But the freeze will thaw quickly. In the meantime, take care of yourself, take a hot bath, rest and recharge because you will be moving forward in victory in no time. You'll celebrate an important achievement in your life. And things may seem a bit new and shiny, but trust that all will be revealed to you. Doors will open. Paths that previously weren't there will appear as if by magic. Our lives are embracing this newness. Follow your dreams and don't be afraid to DREAM BIG!

Sounds pretty inviting.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Oracle and Tarot Readings Schedule

I just wanted to make everyone aware that I am changing up my readings over at my YouTube channel. I have decided that I want to devote some time every night to my writing and meditation. So I am cutting back a bit on my readings to one a day. Here is the schedule:

Thank you for letting me take this time to nurture myself in my creativity and my bliss. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Seize your opportunities today - 1/23

I am using a mini tarot deck for beginners that is just called TAROT. It's cute. It's probably for teaching children about tarot. I pulled six cards for the reading today.


This is where we are taking action on our creative visions. There is something you need to do in order to move forward at this time. What is it for you? You know inside what action you need to take. Take it and don't worry about what everyone else thinks.


This is where you have planted the seeds of your project, creative vision, possibility of wealth and health. Now you are in a holding pattern. 


This is where you are being recognized and rewarded for something you're doing in your life. You are a genius at something you're doing. Bravo! Keep up the good work. Take a look at the details of things now.


This is where you are striving too greatly. You are trying too hard. Relax. You deserve to love where you are and where you are going. Delegate the things in your life that you don't need to handle on your own. Don't keep someone else's bliss from them by thinking you have to do it all.


There are many opportunities available to you. These are fulfilling. One is particularly fulfilling. But you aren't noticing the opportunities. Wake up! Open your eyes. The veils are thinning now and you can see the open doors before you now. Walk through them!


This is the heartache card. This is where you are in pain and discord. Don't worry, this pain won't last forever. We have to go through pain in order to grow.

My Take...

We are taking action on our creative vision, but we are asked not to jump into action too quickly and without thought. You will be recognized for  your creative work in the world, your bliss, or something significant you're working on. But don't strive too hard when doing this. Don't make your bliss into "work" then you will lose your love for it. Seize the opportunities when they come because you don't want to regret the fulfilling things when they come along. That could cause you real pain.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ideas lead to divine revelations - 1/22


Aces can be read as chances that lie in our environment or in ourselves. The Ace of Swords means that we now have the chance to make clear things which had been unclear or incomprehensible. We have the chance to dissolve entanglements, to resolve conflicts. Basically the Ace of Swords means that now is the time to put some distance between us and our problems and to look at them with a cool head and a clear mind. From this new perspective we will be able to understand them better. ( description from the book)

CRYSTAL - Messages From Your Angels

"Have faith and hope because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't yet see."

KING OF RODS - Anna K. Tarot

The King of Rods is a strong-willed, assertive man who does not allow others to influence him in any way. Where work is concerned, he will typically be found in positions of leadership. Since he is dynamic, passionate and enthusiastic, most people will find him charismatic and will admire him. He can make great things become real. The King of Rods is problematic when his other characteristics are joined by unwillingness to compromise and the inability to keep within his limits. (description from the book)

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Messages From Your Angels

"I am with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your Divine life purpose."

THE TWO OF RODS - Anna K. Tarot

The Two of Rods means a situation in which we feel damned to inaction because we have to make a choice between several paths and can't decide. The readiness to engage in anything is missing. We feel lethargic, numbed and at the same time under great pressure, but we just don't have the energy and determination needed to depart on one of our possible paths. On another level, the Two of Rods can mean paying lip service, doing something half-heartedly and being unable to take a stand. Sometimes an attitude of neutrality, of not-choosing can be appropriate. But if it makes you feel numb, then it surely isn't. (description from the book.)

ROSETTA - Messages From Your Angels

"You have a gift for working with young people, and your Divine purpose involves helping, teaching or parenting children."


Some new inspiring ideas are coming in for us right now. And we need to keep on keeping the faith about moving forward with this idea. It will become something positive for us. And we are moving into an energy where we are becoming a master of our creative vision. We are having victory over that. The flag of the King of Wands reminds me of the 6 of Wands. We are really in our happiness and success. Yay! And Archangel Michael is there for us as our angelic support system with his Angels of Mercy. He is giving us courage to move forward with these new ideas. And we may have a time of indecision but we will whip that blindfold off our eyes and see the truth of things. And the truth is that we are here to assist humanity. Everyone starts as a child and as we grow, we don't cease to be a child. In the perspective of the entire universe, we are all children. So, we are helping the all in all of the all. Does that make sense?

I hope this is clear to you and resonates. 
Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Positive change coming - 1/21

Featuring the Secret Tarot

2 Card Draw today. Hope you like it.


This card is all about a death of something in your life. An old way of thinking, an old, outdated job that no longer serves you, a relationship that is not fulfilling any longer. What is no longer serving you in your life? This may be going bye-bye. And since there is a horse in this card, we have a lot of movement with this energy. It might happen quickly.

6 of Swords

This is where we go from rough waters (turbulent emotions) to calmer waters (calm emotions). things are starting to go your way. You are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. This is a great card to get after the Death card because all is turning out as it should. Your abundance is coming in or signs point to it coming in.

My Take...

There is going to be something in your life, that you have been attached to that will be going out of your life and it may come in a swift way. Sort of like how when you take a band aid off a cut. Quick is better. And then once that thing is gone from your life, your life will change in positive ways and you will become more fulfilled and positive about the future.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Clarity Leads to Rest and Knowledge - 1/18

Ascended Masters Oracle - Horus

You Are Seeing The Situation Accurately

Those blue fan thingys look like eyes in the moon. And thus makes me think of seeing the truth. And that thought really goes with the message of this card about seeing accurately, clearly and with clarity. Moon is feminine and mysterious. It can mean uncertainty, dreams and intuition. So, use your intuition to see with clarity and truth.

Healing with the Fairies Oracle - Vacation

This card is very green which means that you are really in your heart or you need to get into your heart. She has butterfly wings which speak of transformation of your body. And the red parrot speaks of your passions and how you need to say them over and over like the parrot does. When you take some time off you will get into your heart, speak your passions and you will be transformed.

Saints & Angels Oracle - Pause

Guardian Angel

This angel is very purple. Purple is all about royalty. This makes me think of the High Priestess which is about ancient knowledge and the mysteries of the universe. The crown chakra and the heart chakra are both in emphasis here with the purple and green colors. Get into nature like this angel and embrace your strengths which are blossoming right now. And she is looking to the last card, Vacation. And with their similar messages, it means these two cards go together.

My Take...

We are getting a strong message about taking time off and resting. Pausing and reflecting. Maybe you have been too much in your head lately. But you really know what to do because you are seeing things accurately and in your truth and clarity. And when you pause and rest, you blossom in mysterious ways that will help you access your inner truth and ancient knowledge.

Sounds, all in all, restful.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Decision leads to abundance - 1/17

Life Purpose Oracle - Time To Decide

Make a decision based on your heart's true desires.

This image makes me think of a snow globe and instead of snow, time is circulating around your. Maybe you feel wrapped up in time. You feel pressed for time. This is just letting you know that when you get into your truth, speaking your truth, living your truth, your bliss, you will have all the time in the world. But right now, you need to make a decision about something.

Angel Tarot - 2 of Fire (Wands)

You've come into your own. New partnerships or contracts. Continue to move forward.

There is a lot of red, green and yellow in this card. Being a graphic artist, I am always attracted to the meaning of colors in images. Red is all about your passions and desires, sexual and otherwise. Green is all about nature, healing and the heart chakra and yellow is happiness, sunny disposition, power and your solar plexus chakra. This speaks about two different ventures that you may be creating or getting into. Could also mean meeting someone of like-mind to dig into your adventure with you.

Wild Wood Tarot - Ten of Stones - Home

This is all about having a community of like-minded people in which to socialize and commune with. Ten of Pentacles is usually about ultimate abundance in the physical realm, wealth, health and creative things.

Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Have Faith

You're prayers are manifesting. Remain positive, and follow your guidance.

You've broken thorough some emotional barrier and are now seeing things from a higher perspective. Maybe you have been in some emotional turmoil but you have broken free of that. Now that you have reached the surface, breathe and have faith that all your dreams are coming true. Keep your thoughts positive and follow your inner nudges from your guides and spiritual "team".

My Take...

It's time to make a decision between two different creative, inspiring ventures you've been working on. And once you focus on just one thing, you will have ultimate abundance. Just have faith,  stay positive and keep following the guidance of your angels, masters, teachers and loved ones.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Open your heart and receive - 1/16

The Answer Is Simple - Open Your Heart

Today we need to really open our heart chakra to all the love that is available to us. It is blooming all over the place, we just need to accept it and let it in. And in addition to this, you need to speak your truth from your heart.

The Answer Is Simple - Seek An Expert

You are in a realm where things aren't always as they appear to be. Today seek out guidance from those who are more in the "know" that you. Listen to music that stimulates you in positive ways. (Caterpillar reminds me of Elton John). And once you do this, you will be able to reach your goal of stability and a happy home life.

The Answer Is Simple - Decorate

Your heart is yearning for more color, positive surroundings in which to live and learn. Put more color into your diet. Choose foods that are rich in natural color. Pick flowers that are colorful (or buy them). Take time to smell the roses along the way. And know that you are blossoming in powerful ways right now. Spread your wings and fly!

My Take...

We need to open our heart and let the love in that is available to us. We have possibilities for love all around us. Just look for the things that are blossoming in yourself and your life. And there will come a time when you need a little assistance and they ask that you look to someone more in the "know" than you. And this will lead you to your goals. Plus, in addition, you need to make your surroundings happy and livable and heart filled. And this will lead you to be able to more aptly spread your creative wings and fly!

Sounds mighty inspiring.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project leads to peace - 1/15

Messages from the Mermaids and Dolphins - Helpful Person

Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be, and initiate contact.

Someone in our world is about to bring us some much needed help. And we will be vastly grateful for it. Yay!

Messages from your Angels - Mystique

Keep charging ahead, and don't take no for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.

Whatever you're working on, don't stop. Keep it up. You will get the gumption you need and the boost from your helpful friend. Don't give up. Forge ahead with your projects that were frozen yesterday.

Messages from the Mermaids and Dolphins - Alchemy

You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold.

You have the touch, you have the stuff, you are the person with the idea and the plan. You have all you need to move forward on your path.

Messages from your Angels - Shanti

I am the Angel of Peace. I bring you new tranquility and a smoother road ahead.

This angel is a much needed relief after all the uncertainty of the previous month. This is a welcome sight. Revel in the peace once you complete your project.

My Take...

Someone is going to come along, someone from your world, and lend you a helping hand, an assist to some project you are working on. And you need to keep charging ahead with this project because it is something that is needed in the world. And once you get this concept into your head, you will be unstoppable. You have the golden touch on everything in your realm today. And this will give you a great sense of peace.

Sounds wonderful. Have a blessed day.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Temporary Creative Pain - 1/14

The Secret Tarot by Lo Scarabeo

Featuring cards from the Secret Tarot by Llwellyn Press and Lo Scarabeo
Here is a link to the deck on Llwellyn Press

9 of Wands

Surveillance, defense and boundaries

The descriptions from some of these Llewellyn decks don't mean the same things as normal cards. The 9 of Wands is the closest to the real meaning. It's all about standing your ground. You've just had some troubles and are waiting as you defend your position waiting for another possible attack. Wands are all about spirit, inspiration and creativity. Your creativity is being questioned or under attack?

7 of Chalices 

Imagination, simplicity, nostalgia

Usually this is about a vast amount of possible choices that could be made at this point. You just need to choose wisely among the possibilities. Could mean connecting to different dimensions, as someone mentioned to me once.

3 of Swords

Cold, sadness

This is the heartache card, pain, emotional pain.

The Lovers

Test, choice, decision, love relationship

This is all about some important new relationship is coming in. It could mean a decision about a relationship. You're showing your heart to someone as you speak your truth to them. It is about soul mate relationships and twin flames.

My Take...

Someone is pushing into your boundaries where your creativity and inspiration is concerned. And this is brining up many choice into your life. New choices and old choices. But you are in pain about moving forward with this. Maybe you have had some bad experiences in the past, but please forge ahead. A creative vision is always worth the temporary pain. And this will introduce you to important new people that you need in you life.

Sounds enlightening.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Good Vibrations - 1/11

The World Tree

We are connected to the All That Is.

This is reminding us that we are all ONE. In the end, that is true. But be aware that you are absorbing the energies of others every day - negative and positive.


You are treading in troubling waters. Caution is warranted. Beware.

There is something that may come up today that might be a bit dicey. Be aware that this is a possibility for you and prepare for it ahead of time. Don't freak out. Approach it with a calm assurance and you should be okay.

The Heavenly Angel Choir

High Vibrations
Connecting with a group, or singing in a group can.

Get together with people of like-minds today. When you are in a group that is of a high vibration, you only vibrate even higher.

My Take...

We are connecting even better and better to God, our Angels and Spirit Guides. Now is the time to discover their messages. But be cautious that you only ask for guidance from beings that are of the highest vibration. Then get together in a special group that you love and share your experiences.

Sounds pretty cool.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Healing Abilities Open Up - 1/10

Messages From Your Angels - Arielle

"New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open — through study, prayer, and meditation."

You are opening up to new spiritual and psychic experiences. And this is changing how you see things. They suggest you really dig into studying, going into meditation and praying to your God/Goddess.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Yes

"Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly."

And along with these new psychic experiences, they are letting you know that what you've already heard or experienced is correct and you didn't imagine or make it up. It's real.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Break Free

"Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn."

They want you to break free from your old habits and grow into new experiences that have to do with your psychic gifts.

Messages From Your Angels - Akasha

"You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to connect others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission."

You have been given these gifts of psychic and intuition because you are a spiritual teacher and you can help others attain their spiritual gifts and talents. You may even access the Akashic records to do this.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Explore Your Options

"It's time to look at other possibilities. It's a good time to make changes."

They want you to not jump right on the first thing/new experience you come across. Explore your options, branch out, find what really resonates with you. And then pursue that.

Messages From Your Angels - Astara

"You deserve the best! Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don't compromise."

They don't want you to settle for second best. Even in spirituality, you deserve all that you desire. Reach for the stars and grab your best life/experience.

Life Purpose Oracle - Bodywork

Your life purpose involves bodywork, such as massage therapy, energy healing, physical therapy, or exercise training.

This is just them reminding us that we may have healing abilities that help in these ways. Energy healing seems pretty strong here. I'm thinking hand chakras are really being activated right now. And this is why they want you to focus on bodywork. Healing others and removing blocks is so important right now. Help others and you help yourself.

My Take...

You are growing in your spiritual gifts and abilities and you are dead on target with your accuracy. Don't doubt yourself. Resist going back into old patterns, embrace these new gifts and break free from the old. You are a spiritual teacher and mentor. You can help others find their spiritual gifts. And you may access the Akashic Records to do this. But explore your options, branch out, find what's right for you in your spirituality because you deserve the best. And all this leads to a new area where you are dabbling in healing others bodies through touch, energy healing or exercise/physical therapy.

All and all, it sounds like spiritual/psychic things are opening up for us. Yay!

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You are Assisted - 1/9

After my intense download this morning at 6am, I woke up and pulled a few cards from my own Legacy index cards. Here is what I received:

DNA Activation - Akashic Rune

This tells me that my "download" that I experienced so intensely was in fact a thing that is helping my DNA to crystalize. Cool! Loving this. Advancing. Always nice to know you're on the right path.

Support Network

You are loved and supported by God and the Angels.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Angels and God! I infuse all my cards with God and the Angel's energy every time I do a reading. I know that they are supporting me in all ways but it's nice to know that it's not just in my head and is true and real. Confirmations are very nice and wonderful.

Let God and Let The Angels & The Divine Assist You.

Then I pulled a last card, not pictured here, and it was EASY DOES IT.

These two kind of go together, don't they? They tell me not to push too hard when doing things. And know that God and the Angels always have my back. For instance, last night when doing the three video readings for the 9th, I felt all in my head and not connected to what I was doing. But when I listened back, it didn't sound like that at all. I thought I had totally not gotten the message across, but somehow it was exactly how it needed to be.

My Take...

I am being upgraded into a new crystalized being and I am always supported by my Angels and God. Plus, I need to stop controlling things so much and to let the Divine and the Angels assist me in all ways. Then I need to let go and let God, like I'm always saying in my readings.

I think this applies to everyone today. So, please know that God and the Angels are always assisting you and try not to be so much in control today.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Legacy Oracle Card Reading - 1/8

I pulled three of my Legacy oracle cards this morning. Make of it what you will.

The Key - Unlocking things.

You are opening up to experiences and things are unlocking that were previously barred for you. Walk through these new doors of experience.

Archangel Zadkiel is sending you comfort and love.

He is the Patron Angel of all who forgive. He is the angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy.

Knowledge - Akashic Rune

Knowledge is coming in for us. And since this is an Akashic rune, I think it's ancient knowledge that we haven't been able to access before now.

My Take...

You are unlocking new experiences in your life that had been previously unavailable for you. And Archangel Zadkiel is there to help you along the way of these experiences. You are being granted a new freedom in the realms of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

Sounds pretty sweet!

Have a wonderful day.

Walk Like a Leader - 1/8

Archeon Tarot - Very cool deck!

Archeon Tarot - Knight of Pentacles

This is all about a hard-working knight, realistic and caution, checks and double checks. He's  a protector, a knight in shining armor who is there to save you and protect your finances. He brings a slower energy to the mix. He also is about bringing a message about health, abundance and the material world.

Archeon Tarot - The Emperor

He is the ultimate father figure. He is a natural born leader and he asks you to use your leader instincts to move forward today. You have this power within you, access it.

Archeon Tarot - The Moon

This is all about indecision, or a choice you have to make that you're uncertain about. It's about dreams and the unconscious mind. It's about separating your fears from your intuition and trusting your intuition and internal guidance. This is a feminine aspect. Don't believe in illusions. It stimulates your imagination. Don't become overcome by anxiety with this card.

Archeon Tarot - The World

You've accomplished something here. You've made it to the end of the Tarot's march through the cards and came out successful in your completion. And now you are integrating these experiences into your life. You now have a feeling of fulfillment.

My Take... 

You have taken up a slower pace. You are more cautious and realistic. Or maybe you just need to do this. And you will receive a message via letter, email or text about your finances. The Emperor tells us to take a leadership role about this message you are getting. Maybe you need to step up and bring something to light, some wisdom only you possess. And the Moon tells us to not let anxiety overtake us. Separate yourself from this fear and trust your intuition and internal guidance. Because as you come out the other side of this, you will be fulfilled, complete and integrating your new leadership experiences into your life.

Sounds rightly, Emperor-like.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Look for the signs you're not seeing 1/7

Featuring the Oracle of Shadows & Light.

Ghosts of the Past
The past returns for a time. Old karma resurfaces that you thought gone and dealt with.

Three Witchy Sisters
The power of three. Notice the signs that keep repeating. These are important. The energies of spirit are around you.

Snow Angel
The signs are with you already. The angels and your spirit guides have given you repeated messages and signs. Are you going to wake up and see them?

Out Trick-Or-Treating
They'ree Heee-ereee! Guidance is available now. What are you waiting for. Could mean a channelling opportunity for some.

My Take..
Something from our past is coming back. Not to haunt us but instead so we can deal with it and release it. So, don't freak out when old things or situations come up today. This is something you don't understand yet, but soon the reason for it all will be clear. You are getting clear signs that you haven't seen or have refused to hear. Open up your intuition because they'ree hee-ereee! What may look dark and scary to someone unenlightened is an answered prayer for you. Angelic and spirit connections are available... But will you listen and connect? It's up to you.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Higher Self Online - 1/5

Featuring the mini Secret Tarot.

9 of Pentacles - well-being, gratification, satisfaction.

You are balancing the physical and spiritual aspects of yourself. This sounds like your Higher Self is becoming more integrated with you. It is bringing forth material abundance and the good life.

7 of Pentacles - Business, trade.

You've planted your crop and now you are waiting for the harvest. Or you could be in stagnation over something in your world. Stuck in the mud for a purpose, perhaps?

6 of Pentacles - Gifts, charity, shrewd generosity.

You're being generous to someone or someone is being generous to you. It's all about giving and receiving.

10 of Cups - Gladness, positive result, harmony within the family.

This is basically the happily ever after thing. You have great fulfillment emotionally with the happy family, the house and the dog. Good is here for you.

My Take...

You are integrating your Higher self into your daily life and having material abundance in some form. But you're in a holding pattern right now and waiting for your creative work to fully mature. Someone is being generous to you in some way and this leads to a wonderful feeling of emotional fulfillment. You have everything you need now to move forward.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Break Free & Dream Bigger - 1/4


Messages from your Angels - Fiona

"Now that you've asked the angels for help, be open to receiving Divine guidance and assistance. You deserve Heaven's help!"

You've asked the angels for help. And they are here for you. Whenever you call, the second you call, they come and surround you with their unconditional love and guidance.


Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Break Free

"Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn."

They are telling you that you need to break free from some influence today. You were meant to be doing more, something bigger than you are. Try something new.


Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Dream Big

"Let go of small things about yourself and see yourself succeeding."

And when you are trying something new, you need to dream about it. And dream BIG! And not just BIG but HUGE! Go bigger than you think is possible and then dream bigger than that. The universe wants to give you things, and the bigger you dream, the bigger the outcomes for you.


Messages from your Angels - Bridget

"Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further.

This is a warning to keep your thoughts on the positive. The Law of Attraction is still in effect. What you think about is attracted to you. And if you engage in complaining or criticizing people, that only draws more of that to you. So keep your thoughts on only the dreams you want to accomplish and the joy you feel inside.

My Take...

You've asked the angels for help and they are telling you to break free from some situation in your life and DREAM BIGGER THAN YOU THOUGHT POSSIBLE. Your dreams are important. Don't discount them or diminish them. But when you are dreaming your big dream, make sure you keep your thoughts positive so that the best, most positive dream can come your way.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Compassion and Celebration - 1/3

Messages from your Spirit Animals - Honeybee

Let compassion and forgiveness be your top priority in this situation.

There is some situation today that calls for you to have a forgiving heart and be compassionate in the face of something that may be a bit dicey. But if you stay grounded in Gaia and breathing from your heart you should be safe and secure.

Earth Magic - Dance - Celebration

God’s wish is for everyone to enjoy their time on Earth, and part of that wish is to celebrate your capacity to be joyous and express it through your body. Whether in private, with a small group of friends, or a large communal gathering, let music, song, and dance be a part of your sacred ceremony regardless of what you are celebrating. For truly, any celebration is sacred. (text from the book)

We are celebrating some victory today. Hold your banner high and show others how to be as victorious as you are. Shine your light today.

Magical Message from the Mermaids and Dolphins - Helpful Person

Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be and initiate contact.

There is someone, a person, a spirit guide, an angel, God... they want to help you today. Please take the time to either call them or meditate to bring in their energy.

My Take...

Some situation today will call for you to be compassionate and forgiving. And you will succeed in doing this today in conjunction with other people of like-mind. Plus, there is a certain someone who wants to help you. Seek them out today.

Short but sweet message today.

Have a wonderful day.